Monday, 12.08am

69 6 0


you there?

I know we usually talk earlier



what's up

the sky



what do you want to talk about today

I get to choose? :)

yes ess


today Jared wasn't in school

like he came over but we left for school separately

what do you think happened to him


did you call him?

I did, but the first time I called, I must've dialled the wrong number because a really high voice answered and then hung up on me when I asked if it was Jared

then I made sure I dialled correctly but he wouldn't pick up

do you think something bad happened to him?

can't tell

what if he got into a car accident

or maybe he wants to break up

that's why he's ignoring me

or maybe his parents forbid him from ever seeing me again

or maybe

maybe he's moving away

and I'll never see him again

oh his perfect raven hair

and forest green eyes

I won't ever get lost in someone's eyes so much

are you sure

don't be silly ris

he's perfect

and he's mine

what could be better?


you there?

go to sleep princess

but I need you to talk to me

I will

one day

princess ess was lost in the woods in the orb and she could not see the sea that called out to her

have you fallen asleep?


goodnight ess

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