21. His Past and Acceptance

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I unconsciously bite my finger as I pace the floor. I feel uneasy knowing that Sungyeol and Amber are alone. Sungyeol might do something reckless again.

I glance at my wrist watch. It's been two hours now. I can't take it anymore. I went out our cabin and went to the sink at the back of the gathering hall.

"You should have told us your problem, Amber. You don't have to do what you did," I heard Sungyeol said which made me stop from walking. I lean on the wall and listen. I heard the plates clank and the sound of it is nearing me. Then it abruptly stops.

"I'm sorry for accusing you about what happened to Iseul. Thank you for staying with her earlier." I heard him say which made me smile a little. Even though he's just forced to apologize to Amber, I heard in his voice that he meant what he said.

I hear his footsteps approaching and I did not move from my spot. When he turned to the corner where I am at, he abruptly stops and was shock upon seeing me. "Iseul..."

I smile at him and walk towards him. "Are you finish?" I cheerfully asked which I think made him taken aback. I know that he knows I heard their conversation.


"Let me help you with that then," I said and carried some plates from the container.


We had a lot of activities for this day and I was not able to join even one. I insisted in joining but the boys (Infinite) did not allow me, especially Sungyeol. I just watch them from afar and just sighed to myself.

Night came... Some students were assigned in lighting up the bonfire while others are having fun playing with each other. Everybody is busy while here I am just sitting at the corner, staring at how happy they are. My lips curl up to form a smile upon seeing them having fun.

"Been looking for you," I heard someone said and when I look up, the man I am deeply in love with is smiling at me. He sat on a log beside me and removes something from my hair. I think it's a leaf which fell on my head.

"Seems like you are in deep thoughts," he implied.

"Just thinking how stupid I am for causing this injury," I chuckle as I tap my leg wrapped with bandage. "Now I can't enjoy this retreat..."

I smile as I stare at the students having fun around the bonfire. Woohyun oppa is chasing Dongwoo oppa for eating all of his snacks. Myungsoo is just under a tree, leaning his back at a tree trunk, away from others and playing his guitar. Sungkyu hyung is having fun talking with others which I bet is about school stuff again.  Hoya oppa and Sungjong are helping our teachers fixing some things they used earlier during the activities.

"They look very happy..." I suddenly blurt out. Why do i feel sentimental right now? Why do i feel that I should cherish this moment because this will be the last time I'll witness how happy people are?

Sungyeol stands up and stares at me. He suddenly carry me in his arms which made me yelp.

"Ya! What are you doing?"

"Making my girl happy..."

"What? How does carrying me will make me happy?" I giggle.

He did not answer. Instead, he walks away from the camp into the woods.

"Where are we going?" I curiously asked.

"You'll see," he gave me a boyish smile which makes my heart beat faster every time.

"I can walk. You can just put me down..."

"Let me do this. I want to feel you close to me," he said which made me blush. Aigoo... I am easily swayed by whatever this man tells me. I snuggle close to him, burying my face in the crook of his neck.

Unconditionally (Sungyeol fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang