Chapter 13

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Kaylea's POV
I wake up to an empty bed. Jack must be in the shower. I get up and go to my room to do the same. I get out of the shower and blow-dry my hair. I put on my white jeans shorts and my floral crop top with my white sandals. I decide to straighten my hair curly brown hair. I skip my make up because I figure I'll probably just be unpacking all day anyways. I turn on the radio before I start unpacking my clothes when I hear a knock. I look up only to see Matt. I roll my eyes and ignore his presence. "Need any help?" I give him a dirty look, I'm still upset about yesterday. "Wouldn't you rather be spending time with your girlfriend?" He sighs. "Her name's Jessica and she's not my girlfriend, plus she went home." I can't help but feeling happy when he says that they aren't dating. "Here, set this stuff up over there" I hand him a box with all my filming stuff in it. I got it from my cousin Jc Caylen. He's a YouTuber and made me promise to post a video at least once every two weeks. I should probably film one later since it's been over a week. "I didn't know you were into YouTube" he tells me. "I'm not very popular, I've only been posting for a few months" I explained. He nods and goes back to helping me unpack in silence.

Matt's POV
Technically I wasn't lying when I told Kaylea that me and Jessica aren't dating, we broke up two weeks ago but we're still talking. I hear her singing along to classic. This was our song back when we we're close. I start dancing around the room and try getting her to join me. She tries to resist at first but in the end she joins in and we make a fool out of ourselves singing and dancing around. When the song ends I pull her in close and whisper "I still like you..." Everything is falling into place.

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