Chapter 2-Bluffs and Hoaxes

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"I don't think this is a good idea-"

"Don't worry! We've done this before, we're experts."

I frowned a little bit. Experts? Somehow I doubted that.

"Exactly how many times have you done this before?" I asked to no one in particular.

"Like, seven," Wendy answered.


"We've set up several camera bases around the woods, and several hide-outs as well," Dipper said in an important tone.

"You guys are crazy. There is no such thing as Bigfoot."

"There is so!" Dipper protested. He opened his book again. Wedged in the seam was an envelope. When he opened it, out spilled out at least twenty pictures of the same blurry figure over and over again. Most of them were from far away, but one was up close, and you could plainly see that the figure was huge. The hands were the size of baseball mitts, and he either had a trench coat, a ninja suit, or body hair. It was hard to tell.

"See? We have proof," Dipper said, his voice cracking a bit on proof.

"Yeah, you do realize it cold just be a tall fat guy in a morph suit, right?" I shot back.

"It is not!" Dipper said. He pulled a last picture out of the envelope. "See?"

The dark figure was closer now, and you could see a gleam of yellow eyes and a massive clawed hand. The mouth was open and a spongy pink tongue dangled grotesquely between gleaming yellow fangs. The figure had it's back turned, though it's head was facing the camera.

"Wow." There was no visible seam or zipper, and the...thing...was, up close, nearly seven feet tall. Those scary teeth looked pretty authentic too.

Dipper smiled, obviously thinking he had won the argument. "We're pretty sure that Bigfoot is real."

"Hey!" Wendy snapped her fingers in front of my eyes. "Are we gonna catch this thing or not?" She asked.

"Yeah," Dipper said. "Come on guys!"


We trekked through the woods for about a half mile or so. It was dark now, so Soos and Mabel carried lanterns. Dipper was busy poring through his book, mumbling to himself and squinting at pages. Wendy and I walked beside each other, farther away from the group.

"So, how's Robbie?" I asked Wendy. Since we hadn't seen each other in such a long time, I thought we should catch up.

"Um..." From the tone of Wendy's voice. I could tell I hit a sore subject.

"He and I...we broke up."


"Yeah, it was complicated. I mean," Wendy's voice broke and she looked down, but kept walking. "I thought we had something special, but Robbie obviously didn't think so. I don't even think he really valued me as a person. I think he just wanted me to be...I don't know...his trophy or something. Get this, he told me he wrote this song especially for me. So I loved it and stuff, but then I found out he ripped it off and lied to me."

"That sucks."

Wendy sighed. "Sucks doesn't even describe it, Dorrie. He...took away a piece of me. I miss him, yeah, and he keeps follows me around begging me to take him back. It's hard not to give in."'

"Why don't you get back together then?" I was confused.

"He wasn't exactly the nicest person either. He beat up Dipper once or twice, and he was sort of rude sometimes. I just didn't see that side of him before I broke up with him."

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