Chapter 5-Consolation Prizes

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Hi, guys. Just popping in real quick. So, first off, I'm going to try something new. Every chapter, I'll recommend a song that I think goes really well with the chapter. You can listen to it before or while you're reading it, to get you in the mood. If you don't want to listen to it at all, then that's your decision. This chapter's song is, (drum roll),

Consolation Prizes by Phoenix on Its Never Been Like That

Welcome Home by Radical Face on Ghost

While I have your attention, I'd like to ask one teeny favor. If you genuinely care about this story and you want me to update, could you leave a comment? Yes, I've been busy with school so I don't update much, but mostly I don't update because I don't feel like anybody even wants to read this. It would mean a lot to me if you just left one tiny comment, even if it's just a sentence. Thank you all, lovelies!



Morning brought a fresh set of new horrors; it turned out that I had forgotten my toothbrush. I asked Wendy for one, but it turned out she didn't have any spare ones. She offered to drive me to the general store, and I accepted.

"I actually have to go to work after this. Is it okay if you stay with me until I go home?"

"Sure. Where do you work?"

"You remember Mabel and Dipper?"

I just nodded.

"Yeah, well I work for their great uncle. His name's Stan. You'll love him."

"Is he nice?"

Wendy laughed, a quiet chuckle that sounded like an inside joke. "Oh, he's a bucket of fun."

The general store was just like all the other stores in Gravity Falls. The facade was white brick, and a large glass window displayed various knickknacks from sunglasses to a bucket of bananas. When Wendy and I opened the door, a freezing wave of air greeted us. The cold air brushed through Wendy's hair like she was in a photo shoot, but all it did to me was slap my short, stringy hair into my face.

"Ugh," I mumbled, spitting strands of orangish hair out of my mouth, which tasted horrible, by the way.

"Do you need to buy a hairbrush, too?" Wendy asked, her soft brown eyes full of genuine concern.

"No, I remembered to bring it." If only I'd remembered to use it once in a while. I used to, but with my hair being so short, it didn't make much of a difference anyway.

"Well, okay. The hygiene section is somewhere in the back of the store. I need to check something out really quick for a sec so I'll just be here." Wendy gestured to a rack of tabloid magazines.

"Sure. I'll be back soon." I wandered off in the direction of Wendy's hand, vaguely sure where I was going. Wendy selected a particularly bright magazine and started to rapidly flip the pages, eyes bouncing back and forth through each page.

The hygiene section was easy to find, thanks to the labels that hung off the ceiling an inch above my head. I actually hit my head on a low one, not bothering to look up as I crashed into the sign. "Stupid hick store," I muttered, rubbing my forehead. I glanced up, surprised to see that I was in the right section. I also noticed three shapes carved into the bottom of the sign. A triangle, a circle, and a diamond. I frowned, and traced my finger over the pattern, feeling the bumps and ridges. Somebody spent some time doing this. I looked over my back then, sure that somebody thought I was a crazy person. I moved on to the hygiene section, and found what I wanted pretty easily.

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