❝ Prologue ❞

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The night was calm. Light rain fell, dusting the sidewalks and streets with moisture. Street lights lit up the world, reminding people that it was past their bedtimes. Way to late to be wandering the streets. However, most people were already fast asleep, the last thought on their minds being if they locked their doors. There was a saying; "Freaks come out at night". And although he didn't consider himself a freak, he sure enough had an attraction to the night. Kyungsoo was one of those people who did their deeds at night. Tonight was no different than the rest. Well, perhaps the place.

The club was bumping. Girls in short dresses covered the dance floor, some dancing with guys who were dressed to impress; the club version of course. Seating areas were overtaken the remainder, watching the ladies, who were on the dance floor by themselves, work and grind their hips.

The bar sat off to the side, practically empty as to everyone was either dancing or watching the dancing. Kyungsoo did neither, simply sipped his drink and let his thoughts take over. Women admired him from afar, shooting him looks and winks. However, Kyungsoo blew them all off. He had no intention on taking one of these girls up on their "offers", let alone engage in communication with them. He came there to simply let his thoughts have their own ways, and as of right now, they were pondering on whether or not it'd be best just to go home.

However, his body didn't want to go home. He, himself, didn't want to go home. For home was where the heart was, the heart of his problems. That heart didn't take a form, well it did, but not a human form. It was his bed. And as crazy as it sounded, Kyungsoo didn't want to go to bed. To go to sleep.

Because in between that time of sleep was the process. And within that process was his fear. The fear of his darkest thoughts coming to life. The farthest and darkest part of his brain coming to life. Sending out messages, images and sighs that Kyungsoo didn't want to "see" nor "hear". The thoughts that would leave him awake until the crack of dawn. When the sun rose and told him it was time to get a move on for the day. He wanted to come home tired, tired enough that the only thing he could do was shower, change into fresh pjs and then sleep.

"What are you doing here so late?" A voice called out to him. He turned with a sigh and faced Suho, one of his friends in his circle.

"Trying to drain my energy. How about you?" He asked, taking another sip of his drink.

"Just scoping out new targets."

"Targets for what? No one would want to hang with you, you're.... how do you say...? Out of their arena.." Kyungsoo said with a smirk.

"Out of their arena?" Suho chuckled. "I've been playing this game long enough. Longer than you my friend. Now, if you'll excuse me; a young lady over there is beckoning me and unfortunately, she doesn't know of my plans." He said as he rose from his seat, smoothly walking over to the lady. Kyungsoo let out a hardy laugh, before slipping back into his thoughts once again. It wasn't until he sensed another presence that he shut them out.

"I'll take a glass of whiskey on the rocks." Said the woman, head in hand. Kyungsoo checked out her figure; long dark hair, with a hint of red in the light. "S" line, with maybe a little thickness in the thighs. From the way she was dressed, he could tell she had a rough night. Black hoodie, black leggings, black sneakers and a band-tee for group who's members are probably dead or off trying to make the best of their played-out careers.

"You should take a picture, it'll last longer. Although, I don't think my attire is picture worthy." The woman said.

Kyungsoo hadn't even realized he was staring at the time.

"Oh, my apologies. I didn't realize I was staring." He said, turning slightly to face her. She did the same, which revealed her face completely. Soft features, bare and clear skin. But the look in her eyes were sharp, suggesting that she was not to be fucked with.

"Its fine. I've had a rough night, and a man staring at me is the least of my troubles." She said as she turned to grab her drink.

"What ever has happened to you, I'm sorry that it has. Someone like you shouldn't be having such problems." Kyungsoo spoke, clearly having read the girl. She didn't seem like any trouble. The tone in her voice offered somewhat of a story; what ever happened to her wasn't as dramatic, but had clearly left a scar. All she probably wanted to do was cool off, have a drink or two and let her problems go.

"Well aren't you sweet?" She said, eyeing him up and down. "But thank you." She said, the look on her face softening. He smiled at her and she returned it. Kyungsoo turned back around and faced his drink, which was now almost gone. He chugged the rest of it down and placed his glass down on the table with a fifty dollar bill.

"You're leaving already?" She asked, obviously having watched his movement.

"Yeah, I'm a little tired and I've had my share for tonight." He said as he shrugged his shoulders.

"Will I ever see you again?" She asked, now standing. He felt someone bad for this girl. Although they had shared only a few sentences as well as glances, he could tell something had rattled her.

"I don't think so. But if you do, consider yourself lucky. Take care." He said as he patted her arm and slipped out the club.

It wasn't that he was anti-sociable. No, that was never the case. Kyungsoo had a good amount of friends in his circle. It was just the simple fact that every single relationship he'd been in, whether it was a friendship or a love-interest relationship, he'd poison it. And Kyungsoo knew that himself.

He was toxic.

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