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     Darkness. The attraction to it was like no other, blinding their own pleading senses. And within that darkness lay the forbidden love of individuals who had no clue what laid ahead of them. Had no clue what the plan was nor had a clue that the reaper was planning a visit. Blinded by their own attraction as well as the darkness proved to be fatal, for which the bond was broken, forcing one of the pair to take on responsibility. A responsibility like no other. However, along with that responsibility came the pain and sorrow of loss, as well as the hauntings of their past; driving one into insanity. For which they came to rely on one thing and one thing only. The hidden form of life.

She was cold. Her body felt numb, in places she knew could never be numb. The floor felt of ice, which she questioned. Why was she on the floor? Springing to life, she arose, her mind a working machine. All around her was brightness, causing her to advert her eyes to the floor, which was covered with white flurries. And as she reached down to touch it, it became black. Crimson jerked her hand back, frightened.

She was beginning to wonder what the hell was happening as well as where the hell she was. And as she reached down once again the darkness spread like wildfire; the once white snow turning completely black, taking the surrounding light with it. The room was no longer cold with a sense of brightness, no. The room was now cold with a sense of darkness, spreading and killing every inch of light insight. Crimson found herself being swallowed too, the darkness at her fingertips. And as many times as she tried to brush it off, it continued to spread. Spread until it reached it reached her mouth. And before she could let out a deadly scream, she found herself placed somewhere else. Somewhere familiar.

"What is to happen to us while you're gone?" The man spoke, his voice full of fear and worry.  

"You will become normal. Live life as if you were born the way you appear, as well as she." Crimson stood still, in fear of being noticed. However, her eyes proved to be all she needed as she scanned her surroundings. The room was dimly lit, the faint glow of stars placed on the ceiling the only source of light. In the middle of the room sat a crib, two figures surrounding it.

"And what will happen to you?" The man asked as he rocked the crib back and forth. 

"I don't know... but whatever happens you must run, and never look back." Then, there was a loud bang. Thudding began to fill Crimson's ears as she watched the scene before her.  

"You must go... now! Before it's to late." The woman scooped up the child in the crib and passed it over to the man, pushing him towards the closet.  

"You know what lays beyond that door. You must go, quickly."  

"Wait!" He said, spinning around towards her. Their kiss was passionate and loving, full of nothing but desire. And as the thudding got closer, the desire got stronger. The desire for their safety, the desire to see each other again. They pulled apart, the woman finally pushing the man into the closet, dooming their fate. However, before she could shut the door he spoke the words of a haunting fear. 

"I love you."


The room changed once more, in which Crimson was now in a forest, blazing a flame. But, the flames didn't overcrowd her senses with heat, nor did it leave scars. The flames welcomed her, surrounding her with warmth she'd never felt before. She walked along, her mind curious as well as her eyes. She watched as visions flashed infront of her, visions of a lifetime. A mother. A father. A child. All united as one to bring joy to each other. She watched reluctantly as the man and woman sent their child off to school, as they went to the child's concerts, sporting events, birthday parties and graduations.

She watched as the child grew up as well as the parents. But suddenly, that began to fade, leaving behind just the image of the father and child. The scenes changed, showing ones of sorrow and pain. And as Crimson watched, she felt in connection to that child. She dropped to her knees, her body ill and tired. Tears ran down her face, leaving the taste of salt on her lips.

"Crimson..." She looked up, face warming to the sight in front of her. The flames had gathered as one, forming a figure.

"Crimson my dear...." The voice was soft, ever so soft it could be mistaken as a hushed tone. The voice was also familiar, carrying a warmth not admitted by the flames. She looked at it closely, noticing that the figure had taken the the shape of a woman. She tried to mutter out a response, tried to call out to the very warming figure, but she couldn't. Her mind was screaming to speak up but no words uttered from her mouth.  

"I can hear you darling.. no worries. I have something very important to tell you and I want you to listen closely." Crimson nodded slowly, her mind responding "Yes".

"There are people coming for you, dangerous people who want what you hold deep inside," She pointed an burning finger to Crimson's heart, sending waves of warmth down her spine.

"Protect it. Protect yourself and your life. Make the right decisions and stick with them, allow no one to change your decision on something you have thought about deeply. And most importantly.." Silence took over and the flames flickered.

"Love the one of your desires, not of your needs. Follow your heart and you will make the right choices." The flame began to dim, slowly going out.  

"My time is running thin, but remember what I said. Remember everything you've seen here and.... remember that I love you Crimson. That we love you." And with that, the flame was out.


She awoke. Her body shaking and drenched in sweat. She looked around her, realizing where she was. Immediately she called out to Kyungsoo, not feeling his presence in the bed. He came stumbling in, his hair damp and dressed in nothing but a t-shirt and boxers.  

"Crimson?! What's wrong?" He asked, rushing over to her side. He placed a cool hand on her forehead, jerking it back from the heat.  

"Y-You're burning up... What happened, I just checked on you 10 minutes ago." 

"I had a dream." She said as she sat up, burying her face in her hands. Tears began to seep through, dropping onto her bare legs. 

"Do you want to talk about it....?" He asked, placing a hand on her arm. She looked up at him from her hands, nodding her head. From there she proceeded to tell him of her dreams, of what she saw and how she felt. As Kyungsoo listened, he began to question who exactly who this girl was as well as her past. For he had never heard of such dreams coming from a human... but one of them.  

"I honestly don't know what to say... this all sounds too horrifying for someone to go through." He said, stroking her arm. And as they sat there together, their minds began to wonder. Both in different directions. Kyungsoo questioning the events that happened and Crimson questioning her life. Both dedicated to their thoughts, they came to a realization.

"I think...... I think I know what I want to do." Crimson said, taking Kyungsoo by surprise. 

"And that is...?" 

"I need to find my father. As soon as possible. And begin questioning him on what the hell is going on with me." 

"Crimson.. I know your upset, but you can't just take it out on him for not being there." And with that statement, Crimson was able to confirm her suspicions. Slowly, the puzzle peaces began to come together in her mind. 

"I'm not blaming him. I simply want to ask him a few questions."

"Okay... about what?" 

"About who the woman was in my dreams and why he chose to hide her from me for so long."

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