❝ Epilogue ❞

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Through the fog and into the night, the same gold street lights shine amongst the street, lighting up the world with meaning and color. Familiar air, now cold with the smell of autumn rippling through the wind. The moon shone brightly through it all, casting figures and lines of light within the room, silent in the presence of sleep. Her darkened hair grazes her shoulders as she sits up in bed, goosebumps rising on her shoulders.

Her eyes wander the room upon realizing that the man supposedly in bed with her was no longer there, mattress cold. Her feet pad again the floor and down the stairs, a figure standing by the window. As she crossed the space between them, time seemed to slow, memories clouding her vision. And when her cheek landed on the shoulder blade of his back, everything felt right.

"Why are you awake?" Kyungsoo questioned, his voice husky as it rattled through his chest.

"You weren't beside me." She felt small as the words left her lips, but even so, she meant what she said. He turned around, eyes twinkling as he faced her.

"You have a terrible habit of being so damn lovable." He chuckled, running his fingers gently through her hair.

"I know, I try." She spoke, glancing at the mugs and glasses still left on the table. Within two days ago, they had arrived home, immediately taking Crimson's father to see Lay, who thought it was best if he remained with him and the rest of the group at the warehouse.

Upon their return, tears and cheers of excitement and joy were shared with their friends, happy that they had returned safely and alive. They began bombarding them with questions, some of which they could not answer. Roy was announced dead, the loss of an old friend still bothering Crimson, despite his betrayal.

As for the Queen, her beheading should have been enough to kill her. However, demons were known for resurrection. They had spent their past days remaining in the house, exhaustion taking over. She hugged Kyungsoo closer as flashbacks blurred vision, tears staining Kyungsoo's back.

"I'll be okay Crimson, it's finally over."

"Are you so sure of that?" She whispered inaudibly, however, Kyungsoo had picked up on it. Another question that couldn't be answered. He couldn't be sure, he wasn't sure. He wasn't sure when they fled the palace that night, nor was he sure when they reached home. There was that small part of him that know that the battle was over, yet the war had just begun. And the silence was killing him.

"I do know that we are here now, and we're safe. That's all that matters."

"But what happens when we aren't safe."

"...We'll cross that bridge when we get to it. As of right now," he paused, leaning down to kiss her passionately.

"I want you and I to go to bed. I've stared outside this window for too long." Crimson chuckled as she interlaced her fingers with his, dragging him to bed.

"Eager are we?" He spoke, her eyes rolling in response.

Collapsing on the bed, he pulled her down with him. Limbs automatically intertwining, she found comfort on Kyungsoo's chest. And from there, she listened to his heartbeat as they laid there in silence; until she broke it.



"Am I worth it?" Upon the question, he sat up in bed, immediately concerned.

"Of course you're worth it. You're worth all the blood, sweat, anger, tears, frustration, anxious feelings I get. You make me happy, smile and look forward to waking up each morning."

"I don't know... I just...".

"You're doubtful, I know. But I want you to know that I love you just as much as you love me. I'd lay down my life for you, hell, I already have. There's nothing you could ask me that I wouldn't do." He spoke into the darkness of the night, smiling when he felt Crimson's head snuggle deeper into his chest.

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