➵ two

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Juliette Collins was what you would call a drifter. Instead of staying with the same group of friends she would rotate. Some days she would be found sitting with her brother Parker and his boyfriend Issac with her fellow Hufflepuffs, Othertimes she would be at the Slytherin table telling horrible jokes, When she ate with the Ravenclaws the whole table would be in loud guffaws at the eccentric way she told stories, and when she was at the Gryffindor table she sat wherever she felt like bringing her warm sunshine with her.

Most considered themselves lucky for her too choose them as a eating companion for the hour.

However the enthusiastic Hufflepuff wasn't aware of her popularity, she simply didn't feel it just that anybody felt alone, so she made it her best effort to converse and include everyone in her antics.

On that particular day she at in the middle of the Ravenclaw table, her hands flying about and a shit eating grin on her face telling a tale of her summer that was a wee bit stretched, solely for entertainment purposes of course.

"And then Parker came running about, brandishing his baseball bat and slashing downwards on the garden gnomes head knocking it a thousand feet away from us!" The brunette gave a small demonstration with her hands "you could hear it's tiny cursing all the way down the river, bless it's heart"

Everybody whom heard the story bursts into tear jerking laughs; Juliette never failed to make people smile even if what she said wasn't intentionally humorous.

"And that's how my brother saved my life" She concluded with a small clap of her feminine hands. She then lurched forward excitedly as if just remembering an important detail to something major.

"Have you heard the new song called Bohemian Rhapsody by the muggle band Queen? Father was able to snag it on vinyl last second!"

A blonde girl in blue robes stretched into a grin hopping in her seat "yes! Isn't it just so fun too sing along too?"

The pure blood students among them looked with curiosity and confusion.

Juliette and Parker were Half-bloods. Her mum was a witch and dad a muggle, bit of a fancy shock for him when he found out.
{A/N I couldn't help it I'm sorry}
"It's a fairly new muggle band, they only got popular last year, and with how popular turntables have gotten they are now selling singles on Vinyl, which is absolutely brilliant! The songs I like never seem to come up on the stereo" Juliette explained.

"1977, the start of the new revolution!" A third year cried dramatically thrusting his fist into the air like a battle cry making Juliette throw her head back laughing like a kid, her white teeth on full display

"Morning Professor Mcgonagall pleasure to see y-" She stopped short noticing that every piece of future was stuck to the ceiling, upside down.
"I see you've done some rearranging?" She addressed the frowning stern women.

"No Miss Collins, I had Gryffindors last hour, I'm sure you know who decided to strike me this year with the annual beginning prank" she huffed flicking her wand trying to remove the charms that were surprisingly strong.

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