➵ four

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Short chapter used for transition into the more plot inducing chapters to come next 




Going through this inevitable, twisted and unexpected journey called life was eerily similar to painting. Each individual having their very own canvas, some take a calculated and strategic approach, coloring inside the lines, only using colors that compliment each other to avoid anything less than absolute perfection.

Others paint using emotions. They create the lines just so they can color outside of them, picking up the fiery red paint and chucking it at the canvas until the crimson ran down the board like molten lava slowly collapsing to the floor in a heap of rage and despair, or lightly flicking the calming sky blue, careful to not use too much in order to never run out, to savor the feeling of peace and serenity.

There truly is no rhyme or reason to life, to paint, and most certainly not to Juliette Collins.

No handbook or guide was carried out when the bright eyed beauty came to be, she was nothing but a bundle of all things nice such as flowers, first kisses, and scorching hot morning coffee.

Juliette Collins was the epitome of creating lines and destroying them.

Who would have thought that an abundance of scribbles would turn out to be such a lovely masterpiece?

Those who didn't consider her a work of art on her own saw her as a muse. And that was a good lesson in life, you are either the art or the artist, very rarely do you find a Juliette Collins to serve as both.

The magnificent stone embroidered hallways of Hogwarts castle seemed to glow as her petite feet glided across them with ease and grace, Evergreen eyes glancing about in curiosity, chocolate brown curls lightly swaying to the wind as if in a memorizing dance. Beside her was Parker Collins and Issac Wilde, with hands interlocked and absolute innocent love in their eyes. The emotions lingered between the two like birds flying about a tree, so lovely and seemingly effortless.

Juliette let her plump lips stretch into a wide smile as she watched Issac's thumb slowly caress Parker's hand and her older brother rest his head on the taller boys shoulder.

She prayed in that moment to find somebody to make her feel that way.

Peeking outside the windows that they passed she saw that the holy grounds were painted in red and orange leaves leaving her home in an autumn paradise. Juliette snuggled into her black and yellow house cloak breathing in the air of her favorite season. Pumpkin and cinnamon left her to sigh in contempt.

This moment of peace and serenity was abruptly brought to halt, as her eyes landed on a certain dark-haired Slytherin.

"Tenefrie!" she called happily before bidding a quick goodbye to her brother with a peck on his soft cheek and squeezing Issac's hand.

The tall dark haired Slytherin rolled her eyes trying to duck into the classroom but Juliette loped up to her easily looping her arm through hers "Goodmorning! how are you?" the Collins girl asked with a cheeky grin.

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