➵ three

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They all watched in awe as the soft chocolate curls draped elegantly across her shoulders and her long fingers scribbled absentmindedly in her leather bound journal.

The girl with the princess name and a smile of dreams had a way of stealing ones breathe away as if it were second nature.

My god, she could make an atheist pray.

Black ink blotted the page creating swirls of charcoal that blended with one another. A mess that created something beautiful.

Juliette Collins had the universe at the tip of her fingers.

The girls in her Hufflepuff dormitory chattered loudly around her.

Freckles littered her dainty nose that swooped up towards the sky, her evergreen orbs were aided by a pair of large dorky spectacles that somehow looked as if the gods made them just for her.

How could a girl so mundane be so extraordinary?

Two different extremes constantly clashing. A supernova erupting in magnificent hues of hopes and dreams and the tethered up pages of a worn novel that no matter how beaten and bruised, it could transport you to a better place.

She was everything there ever was and will be all in the confinement a of a single beautiful body.

"Hey Juliette!" a 6th year girl by the name of Hannah Clementine called "play a game of float the iceberg will you?"

Juliette marked the page in her leather-bound journal and then set her large reading specs on the bedside table.

With a large grin she jumped on her mattress with wand in hand, her petite feet sinking in the plush covers. "Well of course!"

all the girls clambered onto their beds while Hannah set the book into the center. The objective of the game was that you had to keep the book in the air via spells and then pass it on to somebody else with no given order, whoever lets it drop, is out. It was a silly immature activity but it always made the girls fall in to complete hysteria.

"Sandy, why don't you start off this time?!" Juliette grinned hopping on her bed like a little kid.

The black haired 4th year nodded nervously "well alright, ill give it a go" hesitantly she moved her wand "Wingardium Leviosa" and the Care of Magical Creatures book (A/n Newt Scamander is the new love of my life) flew into the air and soon it was bounding off walls.

"I got it!" Juliette exclaimed swishing and flicking her wand just as it was about to hit the floor and then flung it over to to the left side of the room to a competitive 7th year Lottie.

Diving off her bed she threw her wand at the book in complete desperation before landing roughly onto the wood.

Before Lottie could even stand up everyone had collapsed into guffaws of laughter.

"Why would you throw your wand at it?" Hannah spluttered through laughs

"did you think stabbing the bloody book would work?" Sandy exclaimed in-between rushed breathes. This was all in good nature of course

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