Chapter Eleven: Attempted Kidnapping

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-Hola peeps!!! Today is a good week, I got my laptop back, and I am no longer bored all the time. Lol, so I notices WSFF was in the 500's for werewolf and in the 400's for humor, and I wanted to say THANK YOU. I appreciate and respect you guys so much.

Shoutout to romancenovelreader, shes the only one to comment for the last chapter which is kinda disapointing since I love reading and responding to comments. Thank you to her, shes really nice and inspiring. :)

Now, Happy Reading. :)  - Justice


Chapter Eleven - Attempted Kidnapping


Serenitys POV*


"And They Say,

Shes In The Class A-Team.

Stuck In Her Day Dreams,

Been This Way Since Eighteen But Lately,

Her Face Seems,

Slowly Sinking Wasting.

Crumbling Like Pastries,

And They Scream,

The Worst Things In Life Come Free To Us." I sung along to the lyrics of A-Team by Ed Sheeran lowly with the radio as I typed in an essay for school, and sighed. I didn't ever think I would say this but... I miss Vincent.

Oh god, here we go. Lets hope I don't turn into a love sick puppy.

I don't want to be a love sick puppy.

I sighed again and layed my pencil down, typing then having to cross off topics about diffrent things from diffrent stories is tiring when your lonely. I stood up, grabbing my jacket and walking downstairs.

"Hey Ren," Kate grabbed my wrist and stopped me with a smile. "Where you going?"

"Just to take a walk, clear my head a bit." Kate let go, and gave me a worried look. "Should you?" She raised an eyebrow and I knew she was talking about the traitor. I shrugged, and threw the jacket around my shoulders. "Wanna come?"

She hesitated, then nodded. "Yea, wait a second I'll go grab my hoodie." She ran upstairs and I walked to the front door, pulling up my boots. I heard footsteps come down the stairs, and Lance turned the corner.

"Oh, hey Serenity. Going somewhere?" He had a bowl of cereal in his hands, and took a bite of Fruit Loops. "Yea, me and Kate are gonna take a walk. Why are you eating cereal at 8:47PM?" I raised an eyebrow, and he turned his back to me as if to hide the bowl.

"You dont know me. You dont pour my cereal. You cant judge." He gave me a weird look over his shoulder and took a bite while staring at me, and I burst out laughing.

Kate came down the stairs ready to go, and Lance creepily walked away. As I laughed Kate watched him go with a raised eyebrow and shook her head. "I dont even wanna know. You ready Ren?"

I nodded and we left the house, walking off to the right on the sidewalk. "So, are you okay?" I asked her, with a concerned face. Her eyes looked sad, but she managed a smile and nodded. "Yea, I think im okay." I nodded and bumped her shoulder with mine. "Good."

She smiled and skipped into the street, looking to me. "C'mon, theres a park over this way." I followed her until we were walking side by side and the park was in sight. We made our way to the swings silently and slowly, just enjoying eachothers company.

We sat at the swings, and I pushed myself slightly. "When do you think this will be over?" Kate asked, rubbing her shoe in the dirt and making a shoe sized hole. I made lines in the dirt with my shoes and kicked some if it in the grass.

"I don't know." I honestly answered. It could take forever, but I was willing going to wait if it meant our safety. "Hopefully soon."

Suddenly, a rustling sound came from the left side of me, near the woods that were only about 10 feet away. "Did you hear that?" I asked Kate, not taking my eyes off of the spot. She grabbed my arm tight, and answered in a whisper. "Yes. Maybe we should go."

I shook my head and stood, taking a step towards the woods. Suddenly a dart shot out towards my neck and I blocked it with my hand. Another shot out and hit me in the leg, and I began to feel weak. "Run!" I screamed to Kate, and we turned and ran towards her house.

"Stay in front of me!" I could feel the darts hitting me in the back, and it felt like I was running through water. I focused on my wolf and more energy was brought to me, but barely. I looked back and saw two men running after us, holding up dart guns. Another one hit me, this time in the neck, and I groaned. I could feel my wolf slowing down.

"Keep running Kate, even if I can't!" None of the darts had hit Kate yet because I blocked most of them, and I knew if she got hit by a few she would fall. "What no! If you fall, I have your back! Just keep running!"

Kate reached back and tugged me to her side, pulling me along and up to her speed. She got hit in the shoulder and gasped, and I tugged her in front of me. "Don't be a hero!" I tugged the dart out of her shoulder as we ran, and the house came into view.

I heard one of the men curse behind me and their footsteps stopped, although the darts kept flying. I fell to my knees and Kate turned and grabbed my hand. She got shot again as she tried to shield me, and I pushed her toward the house. "Go! Get Lance and tell him I need help."

"But-" She started but I interrupted her. She was still getting shot and I could see her resistance failing. "Go!"

With one last sad look, she turned and took off to the house. She had only taken about half of what I had, but my wolf was stronger and had more resistance to the darts.

I turned onto my back, realizing my mistake when the darts pressed themselves deeper into it. I hissed and turned back to my side. "Shit!"

The two men walked up, and I realized they had stopped shooting. I looked up to see Kate just reaching the door through my blurry sight and smiled. Atleast shes safe.

One of the men turned me onto my back, and I groaned as the darts pressed harder. "So, you're the one he wants." The man smiled, and I coughed. "The one that who wants?" I asked, trying to keep my eyes open.

Just as the man was about to answer, he was grabbed by the head and his neck snapped. The other one tried to raise his gun, but it was snatched from him and shoved into his open mouth.

"No one. Fucks with my Mate." The dart gun went off as if the shooter was trigger happy, and the man lay dead on the floor. Ouch.

I looked up blurry eyed at my savior, and Vincent took a step towards me. His wolf was in control by his eyes, and he sat me up. Wordlessly, he pulled the darts from my back, and then some from my torso.

"Shame, my jackets ruined." His eyes turned blue again and Vincent shook his head. "What will I do with you?"

I smiled as he lifted me up, and answered. "I don't know." My eyes closed as my resistance broke, and the medicine took over.


So, very action packed, yet short. Lol, sorry about that, I couldnt think of much to write. I hope you liked it, and remember to




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Thanks my lovely readers! :) -Justice

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