Chapter Eleven: Attempted Kidnapping Part Two

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-Hey guys, this updates a bit late, but thats because my wifi got turned off and I actually had to ask my uncle to come to his house today so I could write something new. I dont know if this chap will be long or even finished, but im gonna write til I have to leave do it should be a pretty good chapter in length. Thank you guys for reading and voting, and im gonna do the shout outs for this chapter on the next chapter. Enjoy. :) -Justice


Chapter Eleven - Attempted Kidnapping Part Two


Serenitys POV*


You know that feeling you get when you wake up and your mouth feels thick with saliva and your throats dry and it feels like 62 needles were shoved into your body every where and your head is pounding like a hammer to a nail?

I wish I didnt know that feeling. That feeling is known for being a asshole.

I groaned and sat up, pressing a hand to my head. If this is what a hangover feels like im glad I've always decided to not drink. I opened my eyes and cleared the bluriness away with a few blinks. I looked to the side, and noticed a glass of water and a few pills on the bedside table. Before taking them, I looked to my surroundings and let out a relieved sigh. I was in Vincents room alone, and knew that I was safe. All I remembered was me and Kate had went to the park, and some guys came out the woods and started to shoot us. We started to run, and thatd all I remembered. Now that I think about it, we would of been better off if I had turned around and fought them.

I threw my feet off the bed, and jumped down onto the wood floor. It wasnt until then I realized my feet were alittle sore, and that jumping around would make my headache worse.

I sighed as I got alittle dizzy and saw black spots, staying still until they went away. I grabbed the pills off the table, putting both in my mouth and drinking a gulp of water. I stood and looked down at myself, seeing I was dressed in the same thing as last night. Before I could leave to go to my room, the door opened and Vincent burst in, wrapping his arms around me with a relieved sigh.

"Thank god," Vincent pulled back to look at me, and I cleared my throat. "What happened?" I asked, with a raised eyebrow. He sighed and sat me down on the bed, holding my hands in his as he sat down next to me.

"How much do you remember?" He asked, giving me a worried look. I told him what I remembered, and he nodded his head. "Well, you got Kate to safety, but you stayed back and risked yourself, which is a very stupid idea if you ask me." He gave me a pointed look, and I shrugged. "I was over at Lance's at the time, and felt that something was wrong with you. When I saw Kate run in and say you needed help, I was out the door in an instant. My wolf took control and ended up killing the two men, and just as I was picking you up to take you back to my house, you said a few words before passing out."

I scrunched my eyebrows, and gasped as it came back to me. "You were to early. You should of waited." I stood and he stood with me, turning me to him. "Too early? They were trying to kill you!" He was angry and I knew it, but he didnt know everything I knew.

"No, they werent-" I started but he stopped me. "They were darts injected with Wolfsbane and drugs that are used to knock out bears, lions, tigers and huge animals. Enough of both of those and you would have died. They were trying to kill you, I know they were." He pulled a dart from his back pocket and I looked through the glass capsle to see a dirty brown liquid. Gross.

"No, he said someone wanted me, and just as he was about to say who, you came and killed him you dork." I put my hands on my hips and he gave me a weird look.

"One, I thought you didnt remember? And two, really? A dork? Is that the best you got?" He tried not to smile, and I shook my head. Yea, name calling wasnt really my thing.

"I remembered after you started speaking about it." I said, ignoring his other comment. "They werent trying to kill me, they were trying to kidnap me." I looked to him, and he leaned onto the bed post, watched me as I paced the floor.

"But the Wolfsbane can kill a wolf, and if you werent a Alpha or a Warrior Wolf you would have died." He said, giving me a look.

"Yes, but they know I'll eventually have to be Luna of the pack, and im also a daughter of an Alpha. I was born with it, and I ended up with you as a Mate so it makes me twice as strong." I said, crossing my arms.

"Thats true, but the injections they gave would of put a normal Alpha out atleast 3 days, and you've only been out for a night." He stood straight, and I nodded. "Because the Warrior Wolf thing. But, this means they could know I am one, but then again they might not know."

He nodded and took a step closer to me, standing right in front of me. "What im more worried about, is what they want from you, but I think I already do. The men that came, they were Rogues. By the names on the guns they had, they were from the Black Blood pack."

The Black Blood pack was known for being the largest rogue pack in America, and were a nuisance to all. What they wanted from me, I wasnt sure but it looked like Vincent knew.

"I think they want you to bring down my pack and your Dad's. They know we'd fight for you, but if they killed you its the end of both our packs." I couldnt deny that, my dad wouldnt be the same if I died, and neither would my mate.

"Yes, but they didnt try to kill me. Meaning they were going to take me and torture me or something." A shiver ran up my spine, and Vincent engulfed me in a hug.

"Well, thats okay, cause im going to protect you." He said possesively.

I nodded, and hugged him tighter. What ever happened, I hope I'll be okay.

Sorry guys, I dont have time for more. :'(. Remember to

and fan

Love ya guys, gotta go. Next update will be longer than ever, promise. Bye. :) - Justice

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