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Kayla's Prov:

Today is the day when I go see Roc today its exactly December 15,5 days before my next doctors appointment to see how the babies are and to see what they are and Laya is coming with me to the concert so i wont be by myself.She comes over my house and tells me were the next concert was going to be held at and it was going to be in Detroit at the fox theater.Me and Laya go to the airport and head out to Detroit.2 hours later we get off of the plan and go a hotel with our bags.We got dressed and went to the concert, good thing they were already performing.We both go backstage and stand there for only about 3 minutes until they song went of and that was there break.I also have a baby bump its starting to show almost every month since I'm having twins. Roc and Prince are the first ones to come backstage.They all come backstage and gives me and Laya a hug but way prince was the first one to know that I was pregnant cause he saw my baby bump, he was kind of Loud at first when he notice but I had to quite him down so Roc wouldn't know at all. Prince talks to Laya and prod talks to his new girlfriend and ray talks to his girlfriend and they know that Im pregnant too.

Roc:Hey baby how have you been.I've

Missed you since I left.

Kayla:I've been great but there is one thing that is so important that I need to tell you.

Roc:Ok so what is it.

Kayla:Ok here it goes I'm pregnant with twins.

Roc:Really I'm going to have kids that's great.

Kayla:So your not mad.

Roc:Of course not I'm actually glad but I didn't know ether one of us used protection but what are you having.

Kayla:I don't know yet but I should find that out on the 20th so be ready when I call.

They go out on stage and was about to tell everyone something but as soon as they went out everyone was roaring and screaming in the crowd.Than once I realize that we're on the jumbo tern I see why they were doing that know.

Kayla:Roc did you do this?


Kayla:Ray did you do this?


Kayla:Prod did you do this?



Prince:No,But I do have a clue who did.

Kayla:Laya,you did this?


Kayla:OMG I'm getting you back when we get home.

Laya:Ha ha sure you are you can't even run.

Kayla:Really you think that I'll run over there and tackle you.

Laya:Alright I Believe you know I think.

We stay with the boys for a little bit and than it was back home,It was so fun to hang out with them for a bit.I just can't wait until I can see roc again but that's next month in January.Me and Laya go back to the airport and we get back onto the airplane and than we back home within 2 hours.Tomorrow is my next doctors appointment and I get to see what I'm having.I go to sleep as soon as I get inside of the house.

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