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Plot #1-BURN.



Demon hunters.

Since she could sight down a laser gun barrel, Elijah has wanted to be one.

However, the council have one very important rule, their 'golden' rule, if you will. Absolutely, positively, WITHOUT A DOUBT-No females allowed in the Venators society. This rule, however, seemed unnecessary to many citizens-What woman would even imagine signing up in the first place? The fear of breaking a nail or ruining a hairdo would certainly scare any woman away to begin with.

However, what the population of her home town weren't counting on was the arrival of Elijah Holt-A tough, rough-along-the-edges teenager with flushed cheeks, a tomboy attitude, and a chipped front tooth. She's prepared to do whatever it takes to join-But her elders make it very clear that she will not be able to participate in the tryouts that year, nor ever.

But Elijah is not going down without a fight. So, taking advantage of her masculine name and body build, pretending to be a male, she enlists for the Venators in another town-And successfully joins. However, as time goes on, Elijah realizes that this is going to be more complicated then expected. With the expected arrival of the next big demon vs. hunter war comes extreme pressure-And a bigger chance that her secret will be revealed.

Turns out, she's not the only one keeping secrets. 


©TheYardstick 2013

All rights reserved-Steal my characters, my plot, etc., and I have the right to strangle you. With a twizzler. And believe me, I will.

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