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Plot #4-Dead


Leslie's done. She's done with her constantly bickering parents, her annoyingly patient older brother, her creepy younger sister, her crappy job, her never-ending homework, her lack of friends-She's done with it all. Perhaps that's why, when the teenaged boy who looked like more than his fair share of trouble approached her, she did not walk away. Perhaps the reason why when he spoke, she replied. Perhaps that's the reason why when he offered her the deal of a lifetime, she accepted.

And it's definitely why she's now trapped on the nightmare-ish island of Neverland-A place where you never grow older, never dream, never escape, and above all, after a short amount of time, never remember anything about the life you once had.

But Leslie has a plan. The question is-Can she and the rest of the new captives of the carnivorous island escape before they lose both their memories and their minds, forever?


©TheYardstick 2013

All rights reserved-Steal my characters, my plot, etc., and I have the right to strangle you. With a twizzler. And believe me, I will.

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