Sophie Ryan (Castle Fanfic)

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I blew air out of my mouth in a sigh.

"Hey Ryan. You excited to go to New York with your brother?" my partner asked excitedly.

I sighed again. "Honestly, I do miss the guy, but I'm not a New York girl. I'm a Boston girl." I shook my head, smiling. "Wait till he sees me in my Sox hat and T-shirt."

My partner, Danielle laughed. "And he shows up in his Yankee stuff. I can picture it now." we giggled like little girls until my phone buzzed.

"Hello?" I asked, putting the phone to my ear.

"Hey. I'm here, out front."

I smiled. "Kay, be right out!"

I pressed end and smiled at Dani. "Gotta go!"

~<pic on the side is danielle>~


I was rolling my suitcase out front, carrying my bags over my shoulder.

I smiled at Kevin, my brother, when I saw him leaning out the window to smile and wave at me.

I put my bags and suitcase in the back and plopped in the passenger's seat. "Hey."

"Heeey!" Kevin said excitedly. "Oh my god this is gonna be so awesome, you and I, fighting cr-" he suddenly stopped to scowl at me.

"What?" I asked.

"Take that off, you'll get killed!" he rolled his eyes, knocking my hat off my head.

I rolled my eyes back, fitting the hat back on my head over my pony tail, then looked over and smiled.

"Missed you too, bro."

He looked over at me and smiled slightly before shifting the car's gear and driving off.


"Here we are, try not to go near alleyways with that outfit, by the way." I noted Kevin's comment as we turned into the NYPD police department.

I changed into a beige sweater under my black wool coat that was just a little too big for me, the cuffs of the sleeves coming down to the knuckle of my thumb and the coat coming down below my waist. I was wearing skinny jeans with brown boots.

We had parked a block away, and we left my stuff in there since he was going to drop me off at my new apartment after. We decided we'd stop by the station first, to check it out and so he could show me around.

We walked in and went straight to the elevators.

When we stepped in Kev pressed a button and we slowly ascended up.

Then, there was a ding as we stepped out, onto another floor filled with people in police uniforms or suits, like Kevin.

He walked over and slipped a folder out of a place holder on a small desk that was placed up against the wall of the hallway.

"Here." he said. "Beginners guide to the NYPD."

"Oh, great. I'll be sure to give it a look." Then, I threw it over my shoulder and into the trash bin.

"Seriously, the NYPD is a lot more complicated than the BPD." Kevin said sighing. I heard him mutter, "More stubborn than a mule..."

I gasped, whacking him. He just laughed in response.

"Coffee?" He asked, picking up two styrafoam cups next to a coffee machine.

I nodded. He made them and handed me my cup, which I put two sugars and a cream in before sipping.

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