Planet 49

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Jordan waited patiently in her cell. "When will the guards get here?" she said aloud.

They were supposed to be here to take her to see Dr. Lectus- Dr. Lectus is a scientist on the York Ship who holds classes once a week for whoever will show up.

People on the York Ship don't go. They are all rich, selfish, and only care about themselves. Plus, most of them think Lectus is an 'insane old geezer' anyway.

But not Jordan. Ever since she was little Lectus would sit her in front of a 3-D model of whatever he was studying and teach her everything there was to know about it.

Lately, he's been searching, almost desperately, for a planet. Not just any planet, he's already found hundreds, but one good enough to sustain human life. He may be crazy, but Jordan knows he isn't completely insane. Besides, he was awarded many times for being a genius.

If it weren't for Dr. Lectus, who knows where Jordan would be. When her parents were executed, Lectus was given parental rights over Jordan. He was an old family friend. He made sure Jordan was well educated about earth and space. He also put her in various activities: martial arts, kick boxing, karate, etc.. Jordan looked up to him.

He was the modern time Einstein, but shorter, he had a scraggly beard and peppery hair tied back in a small pony tail.

Growing up in a scientist's home made Jordan brave. As Lectus would say " cowards gain no knowledge hiding behind their mothers!"

She had quite the good life growing up on York. Up until she was 16. Lectus had become severely ill after coming into contact with an unknown chemical. Jordan was caught trying to dispose of the substance.

Authorities thought she had brought it into the York ship and claimed she had tried to endanger the humans. She was immediately transported to the Valute ship, the poorest of the three ships. Valute is where they keep the " criminals". Victims as Jordan put it.

Good behavior gave her the privilege of going to lectures from various professors. Including Dr. Lectus when he finally recovered.

Today was supposed to be the big day "I've saved humanity!" He would shout, "I've found us a home!" Jordan smiled as she remembered how excited he had gotten last week when he thought he found the cure to canker sores. He hadn't.

Jordan stood up and crossed her small cell to peer through the square window in the door. Two hard-jawed guards were, sure enough , slowly making their way to her cell door. "About damn time" she mumbled to herself. "Prisoner 873," announced one guard.

"That's me" Jordan sighed and rolled her eyes.

"Step away from the door and place your hands on the opposite wall."

Jordan scowled and walked to the other side as the guards opened the door. They crossed the room and each grabbed Jordan's elbows. "You are being escorted to room 62 for a 140 minute period."

"Yes I am" she quipped scarcastically .

"Lets go" said the second guard. The guards yanked her away from the wall and led her out of the cell, down and extremely long cell block. And finally, to the giant glass corridor that connected the Valute Ship to the York Ship.

Once inside York, the guards escorted her to room 62. Lectus' classroom. The first guard opened the door. "Behave, or all privileges will be revoked" he said sternly.

Jordan nodded and stepped into the classroom. There was about 40 other teenagers in there, but only a few we're actually interested.

She smiled as her friend, Alex, waved to her in the front row. Jordan quickly walked to her, " Do you think he finally found it?" Alex asked excitedly. "We should sit, it's about to start,"

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