Cold Hard Bitch ch.2

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Detention ended later. You walked off campus with Kirkland. You sighed the cold fall air reducing your breath to a mist. Kirkland motioned you to a jet black Mustang with the back window shattered, blue tarp duct taped over it.

"Come on (L/N)!" Kirkland said unlocking the car. "Coming..." You said tossing your book bag next to his in the dented trunk. You sat in the passenger's seat as he drove off to his apartment.

He led you to the top floor, room 221B. He unlocked the door and you followed him inside. "Nice digs..." You complimented. You noticed all the Union Jack designed pillows thrown randomly on the furniture. Classic Kirkland...

He took notice in you looking in his design. "My brothers keep giving me those as gifts. Allistar can be such a wanker." He chuckled. You looked up at him and smiled. You slid off your jacket and hung it on the coat hanger.

"Want something to drink?" He offered. "Whatcha got?" You asked. He opened the mini fridge. "Kool Aid, 7 up, Ice Tea and Faygo..." He rummaged through the food and drinks.

Oh in all that is good and tasty! "Faygo!" You exclaimed. He pulled out 2 bottles of Faygo for you and himself. "Good choice (L/N)." You popped the cap and took a sip. "Please call me _____..." You corrected. "Then you can call me Arthur..." He said.

"Hey Arthur? Why where you beating up a kid on the roof?" You asked. "Stupid Bonnefroy, made fun of my eyebrows." He huffed. "Why did you call the teacher a cold hard bitch?"

"I got pissed because she fucking failing me because she hates my guts!" You growled. " gotta skip classes to escape the teenage drama and crap like that..." Arthur smiled cheekily. You thought it over. "Sure I'll skip class with you tommorow...only because its Friday!" You said.

"Glad you're not a cold hard bitch..."

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