Cold Hard Bitch Ch.9

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You slept with Arthur again that night. Only this time he kept his arms around you the whole night in a protective manner. He also planted little kisses on your neck as you drifted to sleep. He loved you...he truly did.

The next morning you woke up, no surprise, in Arthur's embrace. He was still asleep, for real this time. His cheeks is weren't rosy, his freckles showed clearly. You lifted his arm carefully off of you and got off the bed. You looked in the mirror. Your shirt was baggy enough to cover your undergarments. Your hair was messy and your black eye lessened some. You looked back at Arthur. You smiled as hand searched for you in his sleep without opening his eyes. You grabbed a pillow and put it for him to pull into his form. Once he did he fell asleep again.

You were grateful to Arthur. The least you could do is make him breakfast. You walked into the kitchen and looked through the contents of the pantry. Honey, bread, normal things you would find in a pantry. In the fridge was the normal drinks you would have when over and some other breakfast contents. You decided to make him some toast and tea. Normally you thought a punk wouldn't like tea but his pantry was filled with it!

You made the toast and tea. Soon the smell filled the kitchen looming into Arthur's room. He ran out from his room in a panic. You stood there and watched him calm down at the sight of you. He sighed. "What's wrong?" You questioned. "Oh, just please don't scare me like that..." Oh god that sleepy-accent! "Like what?" "Don't trick me with a pillow." You chuckled and handed him the toast and tea cup. "Here! I made you some breakfast to thank you for last night..." He took the breakfast from your hands and placed them down on the table. He hugged you. "You're Welcome (y/n). And thank you for breakfast..." He kissed your head. He walked into the living room after taking the plate and sat on the couch. You made yourself some breakfast and sat beside him.

You chewed on the bread and leaned on his shoulder. Arthur wrapped an arm around your shoulder and pulled you closer. You finished your breakfast and looked at your clothes. They were messy, covered in bread crumbs and honey (or Nutella, what ever you ladies want). Arthur noticed your dirty clothes. "I have some ladies clothes you can wear." You looked at him shocked. He just ignored it and went to a plastic bag filled with girl's clothes. He handed them to you. "Why do you have girl clothes?" You asked taking them. "Oh, it's not what you think...I had Allistar and his girlfriend over, my room, him, her, I was gone, sex, not really happy about it." He stuffed his hands in the pockets of his sweats and looked you over. "You look about her size..." He commented.

Arthur helped you ready the shower and gave you a towel before returning to the living room. You locked the door and turned to the shower. The hot water creating steam that as you undressed, you got goosebumps. You finally jumped into the shower and washed yourself, humming to the tune of Arthur's song. You washed up and jumped out. You layed out the clothes as you dried yourself with the towel.

You took a good look at the clothes. "Umm...Arthur?!" You called. He walked over to the door and stood outside. "Yes?" "What kind of girl did Allistar bring over exactly?" "Umm...decent, kind of slutty though...why?! I told you I didn-" "No, I know! It's just that well...her clothes..." You said slipping them on. Arthur mulled the thought over in her mind. You opened the door and Arthur's eyes went wide. "Oh that's what you meant..." He said looking over the lacy red bra that showed through the see through white shirt and the plaid mini skirt. "Ugghhh...I now see why he fucked her..." Arthur joked. You walked out of the hall way to let Arthur have his turn. You sat on the couch looking down at your clothes. "Fuck..." You growled. You hated slutty clothes! It's just another way for desperate bitches to wave their slutty ass around and get passed around like a toy would be passed by kids, a sex toy...

You shook your head, wiping the thought away. You continued to watch TV.


You heard something shift in the kitchen behind you. You thought maybe Arthur was out and in the kitchen. "Arthur, I really don't like these clothes...they feel really slutty..." You waited for a response. No response. "Arthur?"

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