March 16, 2016

21 2 0

  I don't know what happened.. Everything came so fast it was a blur. One second we were playing a game. The next everyone was wanting an answer from me. Why did I keep it a secret from them? I should have told them sooner, right? Either way I would've have been fucked, but I should have told them sooner. Now what am I gonna do? Ethan left the game and no one can contact him, so we don't know where the hell he his . We'll just have to wait for him to come back.. If he ever does. God I'm so fucking stupid, I can't believe I kept that for so long. I was so scared and upset that I didn't tell them. Now I have 1 more person, well not one but 10 million of them about this. Idk how they will react either, but I  got to tell them soon. I can't hide it like I did with this.. I never want to do that anymore. I wish, just to make sure Ethan did hurt himself cause if he did. I swear I would never forgive myself, ever. I wanna go and just cry, cry out this disease. The pain. The trust I lost from my friends. Everything.. I would do anything to take it all back, but that will never happen.. It only happens in dreams...

 And this isn't a dream,


A/N: Hey guys I'm back. Hopefully for good. This story is depressing as fuck and hard ( don't u dare fucking say it). I really wanna work on it before school starts but its hard when u don't have time to work on it. I'll try to get the next chapter soon and fix chapter 2 as well.

Bye everyone have a great rest of the day :),


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