July 14, 2016

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I always wondered if there was gonna be a cure for this. They said there isn't yet, but is there ever going to be one? I Don't want this to happen to any other kids or adults. Because honestly it hurts. It hurts to tell your friends. Tell your family. Tell all of the people that watch u.

It hurts to know that u have only 2 years until u die. It hurts to lose loved ones. Hurts to lose your long-known friends. Hurts to lose your life you always wanted.. A life you will never get back. Ever. That's what hurts about this. I loved my life and now I won't be able to live it as long as I wanted to. I wanted to have a family, have a beautiful wife with 2 sweet, amazing kids. A boy and a girl. I was hoping my son would want to grow up like me and my daughter to be like her mother. If only that could happen, but I know now..

That it will never happen,


A/N: Hey  guys  sorry for the long wait. School and all has really gotten hard to write my story. Even tho I can write in ELA(or language arts) For most of the time. I hope I can get back on track and start writing more. Sorry that it's really short, next chapter will be long i promise :) 

Bye everyone. Stay strong,


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