Because I was Bitten (chapter 1)

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hey guys, I came up with this idea last night and just had to get it down! Although the first chapter is kinda sketchy all questions will be answered soon! please comment and rate!

It all happened, the night I was bitten. I should have waited at Melody's house, I should have waited for my mother to pick me up, I shouldn't have been brave, and left to walk the 4 blocks back to my house, it seemed short to me when I was waving goodbye the nervous Melody, but after a few minutes of walking the dimly lit dark streets I began to feel nervous...

The clack of my converse against the pavement sidewalks was loud. I cringed, don't you hate how every sense is increased when you're alone? So every little noise practically makes you jump out of your skin.

But this time I was grateful for my senses, because I felt myself stiffen when I picked up the faint sound of footsteps trailing behind me. My head twitched and I looked back over my shoulder, in time to see a dark figure shift behind a streetlight, concealing him from my vision. But it was to late, I already knew I had found myself a stalker.

With a huff, I continued walking, but my hand dropped down to my purse, and i quickly gripped the pepper spray hidden inside. If the dude came to close..he would regret it. I quickly picked up on his footsteps again, he was moving carefully but swiftly behind me. I stiffened, bracing myself when a sudden gust of wind blurred my vision and I flailed, finding myself pinned against the side of a building.

My eyes reopened, in time to see the shadow face of a young man dangerously close to mine, he had dark eyes, which were glittering as he pressed my shoulders farther into the wall.

"Well, well, well. What do we have here?" He murmured lowly, licking his lips.

I winced, my hands curling as I realized with a shudder that I had, indeed, dropped my pepper spray.

Crap....I opened my mouth to yell but he clamped a cold hand over me.

"Sh, shush, It'll be all over soon." he cooed, a weird rumbling came from his throat, he had a pale face, and his dark eyes were half covered by equally dark hair. He seemed to young to be a...*shiver* rapist but still I didn't like the feeling of being forced up against a wall at all, so as hard as I could I sunk my teeth into his hand.

To my disbelief he just laughed, his head thrown back as he uproared, then looked back down at me with a subsided chuckle.

"O my dear, you're not the one supposed to be doing the biting tonight," as his lips pulled up into a boyish smile my heart sunk with fear at two dominant fangs on either side of his mouth. They caught the glow of the streetlights and glistened.

"That's right sweetie, I'm a vampire.", his voice was dripping almost venomously it made me shiver. Vampires? Okay, what the hell is wrong with this guy? Vampires aren't real, but my logic twisted as I struggled again, but he didn't move, his grip was like steel...

My heart flipped as he reached a hand up and gently brushed my brown hair from my face, How can something so strong, be so soft? I felt myself think, but my thoughts were cut off as he traced down my neck, his touch was so made my hairs stand on end, and goosebumps scatter over my skin. He must of found this amusing, because I felt his breath fan my face as he snickered, then suddenly his eyes flashed, going from dark to bright, blood red.

"I can not wait, you good." He said, his voice was contorted, almost mutated than before. The smell of rotting flesh hit me and I gagged, my stomach rising to my throat.

"Ugh, let go of me!" I screaming into his hand, but he just shook his head,

"Sorry dearie, it'll be all over soon..' his voice trailed as he lifted my stiff chin up, and lowered his head to the in of my neck. Great day to wear a v-neck sweater, I scolded myself , good way to attract mentally unstable men. His hand moved from my mouth, which was good, because at the feeling of two razors piercing my skin I let out a lung-burning scream. But that was just the small part of it, the pain was replaced with the tearing feeling that I was being drained, it felt like my soul was being sucked out of me. Black dots danced in my vision and I shuddered, wanting to scream but I couldn't produce any sound from my throat. Feeling light headed I sunk under his grip, going limp as my world plunged into darkness.

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