Because I was Bitten (characters part 1)

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short character descriptions I did in like 5 minutes, please leave suggestions for them, or pictures! i always like pictures, i put up the song on the side because i haven't been able to stop listening to it. (some of the characters I haven't introduced yet, but I will!)

Naomi Powers- shoulder length dark brown hair and grey eyes, pale, 16

Melody Falm- choppy black hair,hazel eyes, and olive complexion, warm and bouncy, caring. 16

Blythe Wister- tanned skin, messy dirty blonde hair, green eyes, broad muscles, sturdy, 16 quiet, loyal, irritible.

Kole Jerish - pale skin, bright blue eyes, emo cut black hair, jazzy. 16

Garret O'Raol- tall, 18, pale, dark brown hair (edward cut), black eyes, cold.

(master) Neil York- silver hair, very pale, eyes change depending on mood.

Relient Jerish- emo cut major, misty grey eyes, pale skin. Kole's twin, opposite attitiude.

Ty Irious- Normal brown hair, regular shaggy cut, with brown eyes, white skin.

Skye Flecker- silver hair, pale, red eyes. Spunky, flirty, charasmatic.

Luke Irious- shorter lighter brown hair, grey brown eyes, tanner skin, brother of Ty.

Demetri Moricle- spikey orange hair, bubbly personality, rimmed glasses, pale.

Josh Hector (sparkplug)- spikey brown hair, always smiling, even skin, blue eyes, Naomi's friend.

Zeke Ashlen- blonde hair and blue eyes, even skin, popular boy at Naomi's school

Mrs. Powers- Naomi's grandmother, wavy brown/grey hair with grey eyes

Fiona Hunter- another friend of Naomi, long blonde hair and blue eyes, straight hair

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