Because I was Bitten (chapter nine)

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The feeling of the shining marble steps against my socks felt good, slipping and sliding I scaled up the staircase after Neil, who was moving at a surprisingly fast rate, taking two steps at a time with his long legs. I had to watch in marvel at the way he moved, almost to perfection, not a step out of place, wow.

I took a moment to catch my breath, we were only half way up and my throat was already raw from my ragged breathing.

"Are you okay?" a voice called from above, I looked up to see Neil watching expectantly at the top of the stairs.

"Yes." I answered, continuing to climb.

"Don't worry, when the change is over, movement like this will seem like a breeze." Neil added with an encouraging tone. I couldn't help but speed up, then stop beside him when I reached the landing.

He grinned at him, before waving an arm down the hall,

"This way." his voice was muscial, light, and feathery.

I flitted down the hall, him moving closely behind me, in step with mine so he wouldn't catch my heels.

He stopped at a door suddenly, making me turn to it. It was a pure eggshell door, with a fancy silver knob. I made note of the keyhole, in case I ever had to get away I would be able to lock the door...

"I always had this room ready." Neil's voice made me look up in wonder at him,

"In case we got a girl, I hope you like the colors.", then he reached down and twisted the knob, swinging the door open.

I gasped at the sight of the room, it was huge! The floor was pure white fluffy carpets, there was a televison in the corner, I could see a wii beside it, and a couple soft looking beanbags were laid out in front of it, they were a light purple, the same color of the drapes pulled back from the large window in the left wall, my heart flipfloped as I spyed a window seat under it, complete with a lavender cushion.

"Wow." I breath, my eyes followed around the room, there was a few different desks, and a large wooden mahogany wardrobe. Then there was dresser, connected to a large mirror, I could see my reflection perfectly, and it the reflection I saw two doors, I guess one was a closet, the other was probably a bathroom. Sweeeet I get my own bathroom! I felt like happy dancing.

But my shattered when I saw the bed, it was perfect and all, a canopy bed with the same purple drapes. It was a large half circle, with white sheets and dozens of fluffy looking headpillows. I just wanted to run over and jump into it, had it not been for the thing stretched out across it.

It was a large cat, and by large I mean. Gigantic! It had a dusty golden pelt, and an even lighter mane, which swelled around its huge face. It was watching me, its honey eyes glossing over.

"Whats a lion doing on my bed?" I asked in a careful tone.

Neil just scowled,

"Zeus what are you doing in here?" he cooed, staring accusingly at the lion, who just yawned, I shivered at its pointed teeth. I've always liked animals, but having a supposedly wild cat right in front of me was pretty intimidating.

"Get off there right now." Neil commanded with a click of his fingers. Zeus gave a unsatisfied grumble before shifting on my bed, the whole weight of the lion made my bed lurch in protest. He leapt off, when his massive paws hit the ground I swear I jumped out of my skin.

"You keep lion's for pets?" I inquired, watching as Zeus padded over to stand under Neil, with him so close I could see that he reached past my waist, I swallowed down the thick feeling in my throat once again.

"Yes, he is my partner." Neil replied in a soft tone, he gently ran his fingers through Zeus's mane.


"Yes, all Bitten's are able to make a connection with a certain animal, and that animal becomes their companion for life. I just happened to have this connection with lions."

"Oh." my eyes dropped to Zeus, that is pretty interesting. "Where'd you get him?"

"I saw him online from a exotic animal breeder's site, who knows what might have happened if I hadn't of picked him up." Neil answered and Zeus gently lapped his hand with his pink tongue. I gingerly reached over and scratched him behind his ear, his rolls of fur moving under my hand. His head twitched against my touch, but he didn't protest when I stroke his skull. But when I felt him start to rumble I jerked my hand away, making Neil laugh.

"Relax, he was only purring. Zeus is a passive kind of guy."

I smiled, glad for this I began stroking his mane again, my fingers entwining in his down. So soft...

"Does anyone else have a partner." I questioned when my curiosity peaked.

Neil's hand joined mine as we petted the lion,

"Yes Demetri has a tiger named Hades, and Blythe befriended an eagle named Apollo, and Kole has a panther named Athena."

The similarity of all the names made me smirk. "Fans of Greek Gods I assume."

Neil chuckled "It appears that way doesn't it, well. I suppose I should get Zeus something to eat. You get comfortable." he said before taking the lion out and shutting the door behind him.

Instantly at the click of the closed door I pelted across the room and dove into my bed.

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