Chapter 2

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Every day I'll write a chapter! Hopefully you guys like this story! :3

Dans POV
(The next day)
I woke up in pain from the throbbing scars on my back.

I slowly rolled out of bed and got dressed in the bathroom, avoiding the mirror so I wouldn't have to look at my ugly, fat body.

You could see my ribs pressing against my skin. I'm never hungry anymore. I skipped breakfast once again and headed off to school.

I eventually reached the school area and walked through the doors, knowing my punishment was a few steps away.

I could feel Kyle and his gang's eyes burning into me.

"Yo nerd!" He called out.

I slowly turned around and saw his evil smirk form on Kyle's lips.

"Please don't.." I stuttered feeling his warm breath inches from my neck.

His gang dragged me to the back of the building and I knew this was going to be worse then usual.

He pinned my to the wall and punched my face and kicked my stomach. "You shouldn't be alive! You are worthless!"

He kept shouting terrible words but they were all true. I was worthless. I was a mistake of life. I should be dead.

He held my throat tight and I was gulping for air. Right before I was about to pass out he let go and threw me to the ground. It stung to breathe.

He kicked me one more time and then left me lying on the ground. I felt my body swelling up from my newest bruises.

My eyes are blurry and I can barely see. I can spot a human figure with black hair run towards me in panic. "Oh my god! He covered his mouth in shock. "I need to help you, fast."

His warm slender arms picked my limp motionless body up from the ground. "I..I." I tried to speak but he shushed me.

"Don't worry. Its going to be fine." After those words of his were spoken, I blacked out.

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