Nazuna Nito X Reader {What is this?}

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Naoko: Yo, wazzup guys! I'm back! Sorry if this took a while. I'll make it up to you. So this was requested by ransupyon! Enjoy~


"What is this?"

{Second Person's PoV:}

(F/n) (L/n), the very young and beautiful producer of Rabits. You area talented one yet you chose to be a producer of that certain unit. Many boys are head over hills for you but you didn't pay them any attention. You just accepts their feelings and forgets about it eventually. You have been receiving a lot of love letters recently but doesn't even read it.

The truth is, you don't know the difference between love and friendship so you always kept your mouth shut and never giving answers to the ones that's confessing to you. Well, it is the best way to get out of it, right? But a certain someone is secretly telling you the difference between the two-- Your senpai, Nazuna Nito.

Nazuna Nito has always been the big brother to you. After rehearsal, you're always together. Though, you only see him as a brother. Or so you thought.

"Ne, (N/n)-chan~" He called out.

"Oh. Nito-nii. What's wrong?" You asked.

"Nothing! But could we hang-out later? Just the two of us!" He offered enthusiastically. In response, you nodded, seeming to be used to Nazuna always inviting you outside.

"Why though?" You asked quizzically.

"Hmm... Well, nii-san would like to hang-out with his kouhai. So pleaseee?" He again pleaded with this cute face of his; You, having no any other choice, agreed to come along.

"Yosh~ I'll wait for you outside later~ Jaa!" With that, he scurried up to the third floor where his classroom is. You can't help but to smile at his actions.

|Time Skip|

"Ne, you ready, (N/n)?" The boy asked excitedly.

"Hai. Ready as I'll ever be!" You grinned.

You two are now walking silently side by side. Neither of the you both are talking. Nazuna is in fact, deep in thought. He's wondering if how can he make his plan successful. You are looking at him worriedly.

"Nito-nii?" You called out.

"H-huh? Oh! Yeah, what is it, (F/n)-chan?" He got off his trance.

"Uhh... You okay?" You tilted her head to the side.

"Of course! Am I spacing out that obviously?" He asked.

"Yeah, kinda." You said and chuckled.

"Gomen, gomen." He sweatdropped and you just grinned at him.

"By the way, where are we going?" You asked again.

"Oh, about that, would you mind going to the arcade?" He asked you and you immediately nodded.

"That sounds fun! Let's go!" You grinned and got excited by it. You grabbed Nazuna's hand and dragged him to the place. He found himself blushing at your interaction.

"(F-F/n)..." He said and eventually smiled. You just kept dragging him to the arcade.

Not long after, you reached the place.

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