Chapter 25

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I am back! To avoid being lynched, I stand aside for now as you devour chapter 25. But beware, a long Author's Note awaits at the end...


What just happened? Andrew wondered to himself as he scanned the hordes of guests swarming all over the room for an elusive sprite in white. I thought that all was going well. My lovely Rachel…she felt so right with me. He threw his mind back to their dance. She was utterly divine, and yet so approachable. He had lost his head as the time flew and their unique connection got re-established. He had never felt more hopeful about her reception of his proposal and threw caution to the winds, acting like a fool and proposing in the midst of a crowded ball room; during a dance, no less. And everything went downhill from there onwards.

Where did that bit about me and Mira come from? She couldn’t have misunderstood me…could she? I have been pretty clear about my intentions from the start. How could she…Mira and me? Andrew almost laughed to himself as he kept on searching fruitlessly among the swirling crowds for the brunette who had stolen his heart. A preposterous idea if ever there was one!

But apparently it wasn’t all that preposterous for Rachel, if she believed that he was talking about wishing to marry Miranda.

And she was still nowhere to be found…


Rachel had certainly expected in the back of her mind that an ‘interesting’ announcement might be made shortly, but somehow hearing it confirmed from Andrew in person made the whole situation intolerable. Reading about it from a letter penned by Miranda would not have hurt so badly – at least then she could have indulged herself and let her tears flow unabated in the privacy of her room. Being told about it here, in the middle of a ball, during her only dance with Andrew for goodness’ sake, was too much for her to handle.

Swallowing a sob in her throat, she made her decision – she needed to leave now; before the rest of the party decided to make a move resulting in a crush and making her stop back longer than desired. With this idea in mind, Rachel wove her way to where her hostess was sitting with a glass of lemonade in her hand, and made her apologies for leaving so soon.

“You can’t go now!” Miranda exclaimed. She looked around for her cousin. Surely the set was not over yet? No, the other dancers were still cutting figures in the centre of the room, and the kind Mr. and Mrs. Herbert had joined them so as to distract attention from the fact that the quadrille was missing one couple. Why was Andy not with his partner? Something was decidedly not right about the situation.

“Your set could not have ended already. Are you not feeling well, Rachel?” she added solicitously. Rachel was about to disclaim all notions of weakness as was her usual wont, but decided at the last moment that this was one occasion when admitting to the standard feminine malady might actually be in her favor and get her out of the house at once without any hindrance.

Besides, with the way her heart was hurting, her head would not be far behind.

On receiving a negative, Miranda tried to cajole her guest into waiting in a private room with smelling salts or something till she felt better. Rachel was adamant about leaving as soon as possible, however. “Nothing perks me up like Lucy’s special chamomile tea at such times.” She tried to smile reassuringly at her distraught friend. “I will be fine as soon as I reach her house, Miranda. Do not worry on my account – it is a little headache after all, possibly brought on by all this dancing I have been doing.”

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