Translations (FairyTail &DeathNote)

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(A/N: Requested by lucy_hearts_ Sorry this one took so long I really didn't have any ideas for this crossover but now I do! So let's get started!)

Lucy: "Hey! Levy! Can you help me with something?"

Levy: "Sure. What do you need?"

Lucy: "Well this guy asked me for help translating something and I don't know what language this is in."

Levy: "Okay let me see."

Lucy: *hands her a book written in some foreign language*

Levy: *inspects the book* "It seems to be in an old ancient language. It would make sense since this book seems to be about shinigamis."

Lucy: "So you can read this?"

Levy: "Yup!"

Lucy: "So what's it about?"

Levy: "Shinigamis or death gods."

Lucy: "I see."

Levy: "It says here that Shinigamis can only be seen by specific people."

Lucy: "Whys that?"

Levy: "It's unknown. It is not 100% proven that they exist but they are supposedly very powerful creatures."

Lucy: "How powerful?"

Levy: "Powerful enough to kill people without others noticing."

Lucy: "Wow that's strong! Well thanks Levy I gotta go return this and tell him what I found."

Levy: "Alright bye Lucy!"


*When Lucy goes to return the book*

L: "I see you have returned. May I ask your findings?"

Lucy: "Well this is a book about Shinigamis or death gods."

L:"I see and what does this book say about them?"

Lucy: "Well Shinigamis can only be seen by specific people. Also that Shinigamis are very powerful. It's not a 100% possibility that they exist but it is very likely that they do."

L: "Is there anything else I should know?"

Light: "They love apples and they have special eyes to see how many lives people have before they die."

L: "And how would you know this information?"

Light: "I don't they aren't facts but it's what I've heard."

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