Itachi's Roommate

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"Happy?" Sasuke asked me.

"Woah, is that a snake?" I asked.

"Yeah, I've been drawing them for a while, it's not that great." He mumbled, pulling his sketchbook away and sitting back on the bed. "I have to get going in an hour to meet up with Itachi, so I won't be here for very much longer. I'd like it a lot if you stopped bugging me for the rest of the time I'm here. Though I'm coming back at ten..." He sighed.

"Why don't you try to make friends? I have a few people that have known me since kindergarten and they look like they want to meet you." I suggested.

"Fine. Not like I'm getting any quiet anyways." He grumbled before getting up and putting everything down to follow me down the hallway.

I lead him to the first room I saw, which was Neji and Lee's room.

Lee will be his friend like he is to everyone else if Neji won't. This'll be a piece of cake.

I knocked on the door.

"Who is there?" I heard Lee ask.

"It's Naruto." I replied.

He opened the door and looked surprised. "Sasuke Uchiha, why are you here? You always used to beat me at martial arts class until you quit when you got into middle school. I have improved greatly over the years." Lee broke into conversation.

"Ah no, not this guy. Naruto you couldn't have picked someone else?! Lee and I don't really get along." Sasuke growled.

"Uh, sorry to interrupt you guys, but is Neji here?" I asked him.

"Yes he is, should I go and get him?" Lee replied.

"Sure." I replied.

Lee walked into the dorm room and Sasuke stood glaring.

"Who's this Neji? A friend of Lee's?" He asked.

"Yeah, but he's also my friend. By the way, what have you got against Lee?" I curiously decided I wanted to know.

"Lee and I met in elementary school. I was always ahead of him and he hated me for it, simple as that. Lee never liked how I acted or how I was so popular among the other kids, but one thing's for sure is I hated the martial arts class we took outside of school. It used to be fun and competitive until Lee decided he was going to beat me in our board breaking class..." Sasuke started.

"So what happened?" I asked him.

"I beat him by one-hundred and fifty-two boards, but now he probably has a personal taijutsu teacher and is faster than me." He sighed.

"Hey Naruto, what do you need?" Neji said from the doorway.

"I wanted you to meet my roommate, Sasuke." I said with a smile, as usual.

"I've heard about you, you're an Uchiha, right? Your whole family was murdered and only you and your older brother got away!" Neji shouted.

"Uh, yeah..." Sasuke said, looking away at the wall.

"Oh, uh, sorry. Didn't mean to upset you." Neji restated. " I'm Neji Hyuuga, nice to meet you." He said, mentally restarting his introduction.

"Hey." Sasuke said quietly.

"Well, how about we go see Sakura then?" I cut into their awkward conversation.

"Sure." Sasuke said quickly.

"See ya Neji!" I said as we walked down the hallway to Sakura's dorm.

"Why are we doing this again?"

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