Staying At Itachi's Place

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Sasuke's POV:

Being Itachi's little brother, he treats me like a baby. Not to mention the fact that he took me with him rather than leaving me in foster care. Our parents decided to get rid of us when I was three years old, so I don't really know why, nor did ever see them make the arrangements for us to leave. Itachi always knew why, he still does, but I still don't know why he took me with him instead of living his own life and leaving me behind. He doesn't trust me, and obviously doesn't care. So why? I kept thinking about all of these topic as I listened to some music with my headphones on.

Itachi walked in. "Sasuke, Kisame and I are going out for a bit." He said, looking at me.

"That's gay, Itachi." I replied, taking off my headphones.

"Not like that! We have to take a test at the college!" He was angry that I said that. I have been telling him Kisame was gay since I was four. He never stopped being angry at Kisame for teaching me the word "gay", but what Itachi didn't know up until I was ten was that he also taught me the words "shit", "damn", "dammit", "fuck", and many more. Kisame knows a lot of curse words, unluckily for Itachi.

"Whatever Itachi. Bye." I said, about to slip my headphones back on.

"Sasuke..." He murmured.

"What is it Itachi? You gonna lecture me again? I'm not gonna mess the place up, I swear. You trusted me more when I was four." I said, setting my headphones down on the table.

"No Sasuke, I'm not gonna lecture you. I was just going to ask you something."

"Sure. What?" I looked up at him from the couch.

"Do you want anything while I'm out?" He asked. He was being nice to me, which was unusual,

"Why?" I asked.

"Because I want to see if you want something. I can't do something nice for my little brother?" He smiled.

I gave him a confused look, thinking he was joking. "Uhhh... Like what?" I asked.

Itachi chuckled. "I asked what you wanted."

"Uhm, I guess maybe a sketchpad or something." I said, picking the least expensive thing I could think of.

Itachi smiled. "Sure Sasuke." He nodded and walked beside the door, taking his black coat with red clouds on it. Kisame did the same.

The two left pretty quickly after. I was alone. The fox-freak had given me his number before I left. I guess he was expecting me to text him. I blocked my number and texted him.


Sasuke: Hey.

Naruto: Who is this?

Sasuke: It's Sasuke Uchiha from school.

Naruto: Oh.

Naruto: Why did you block your number?

Sasuke: So no one around you could see it.

Sasuke: I'm guessing you're with someone else?

Sasuke: Naruto?

Naruto: Yeah, sorry. I dropped my phone under the couch.

Sasuke: Uhh okay

Naruto: So anyways, why did u text me?

Sasuke: I'm bored.

Naruto: Emo kids like you get bored?

Naruto: I thought u guys just cut yourselves when you felt bored

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