The Creepy Biology Teacher!

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Naruto's POV:

I had met Sasuke at the front gate. We had a few minutes until Homeroom would start, and were heading there quickly. 

"Naruto." Sasuke seemed to be trying to get my attention.

"What?" I asked him.

"Did you ever see anyone outside your window or just someone you knew was there... like... Did you think someone was following you yesterday?" He looked serious.

"Uhhh not that I know of..." I tried to think back to make sure.

"Whatever. Today we actually have classes. I'm guessing we have Biology after Homeroom, but the schedule was just so confusing that I don't know." Sasuke changed the topic quickly.

"It confused you too?! Damn, I guess the one who made the schedules just didn't know what they were doing!" I was extremely surprised that Sasuke was confused by it too. I thought I would have to ask him what the classes were.

"Yeah.. Chemistry is kind of where it seemed to be really messed up...."

"Eh? What's Chemistry?"

"You don't know what Chemistry is?!" Sasuke looked annoyed.

"Nope." I rubbed my nose. 

Sasuke looked like he was thinking. He looked at me, moving one hand in a pouring motion, then the other hand the same way. Then, he made an explosion sound.

I had been reminded what Chemistry was. "Oh! The class where you mix stuff!"

"Yes Naruto, the class where you mix stuff."

"Sorry, I just forgot I guess. These things are hard to remember, ya know?"

Sasuke rolled his eyes. "Whatever, loser."

I sighed and went up to my locker, using a Nine Tails Cloak to open and decode it.

Sasuke gave me a dirty look. "What are you doing?"

"I don't feel like looking at my locker number. Kurama remembers, though, so I can just have him do it." I responded, shrugging as the locker opened with ease. "But you suck, so you have to open it by yourself."

"Oh really?" He opened his Mangekyou Sharingan and a Susanoo arm came out of his back. It opened his locker in an instant. "Loser." Sasuke pulled his books out, expressionless.

I growled. "Damn it!" I pulled my books out, frowning.

Sasuke started walking away from me, down the hall.

"Stop!" I heard someone yell.

"Eh?" I turned around to see the hall monitor, looking thoroughly annoyed with Sasuke for not stopping. "Who are you?" I asked.

"I'm Yamato, the school Hall Monitor! Who are you?" He challenged.

"I'm Naruto Uzumaki, believe it!" I said, flashing a toothy grin.

He sighed. "Alright. Do you know the boy that ignored me?" He looked like he was pleading for me to tell him.

"Uhhh, sure. That's Sasuke Uchiha." I gave him a thumbs up.

"Thanks." He went after Sasuke. "Hey! Uchiha!" 

Sasuke turned around slowly. "What?"

"Why didn't you stop when I told you to?!"

"I have to get to class." He said in a very monotone voice. He kept his face expressionless.

Yamato looked at his watch, then his eyes widened. "Naruto! You have to go to class too! One minute until class starts!" He had turned back to face Sasuke, who had left to get to class.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10, 2017 ⏰

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