Part 4/9

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Rule #4: Spot your mark's weakness and exploit it.

Robin entered the kitchen and poured himself a cup of coffee.

"Gary did some more digging about Emma."

"What did he find?" Killian asked, as he sat at the kitchen counter and sipped his own coffee.

"She was engaged."

Killian eyes widened. "Really? She hasn't mentioned anything yet."

"Can't say I'm surprised. It did not end well."

"What happened?"

"Five years ago, she met this Wall Street big wig, Neal Cassidy. They dated for a year and then got engaged. The night before their wedding, Emma caught him cheating. It gets worse. It was with her bridesmaid in the bathroom during their rehearsal dinner."

"I thought such things only happened in movies."

"Apparently not. She discovered he had been cheating on her for months with various women. She obviously called off the wedding."

Killian sighed heavily. He felt awful for Emma. What a terrible thing to go through. He knew what it felt like to be cheated on. He had experienced that betrayal too, although on a much smaller scale.

"Has she been with anyone since?"

Robin shook his head. "Doesn't appear so. Looks as if she swore off men for a while."

Killian let out a breath. That meant Emma was putting herself out there again, opening herself up again for him. She was allowing herself to trust him and he was just another guy who would betray her and break her heart.

Robin noticed the look on Killian's face. "What's wrong, mate?"

"I feel badly about doing this to her when she's been hurt so terribly in the past."

Robin's eyes widened. "You feel bad? You need to stop allowing your feelings for her to get in the way. Killian, this is information you can use to get closer to her. And you can even tell the truth to do it. You've both been cheated on."

Killian dropped his eyes, but didn't say another word.


Emma opened the door and smiled at Killian.

"Hi. Right on time."

He returned her smile. "So what's the plan for the date? Since you insisted on planning it."

Emma grabbed a basket from the table by the door. "Picnic lunch in Central Park."

Killian nodded. "Sounds good. I don't believe you can hustle me during a picnic lunch."

Emma laughed. Killian held his hand out to her. She looked at it for a long moment, then slipped her hand into his. They exited the apartment.

It was a beautiful day so they decided to walk to the park. Emma smiled as they walked down the sidewalk, enjoying the feel of his hand in hers.

When they arrived at the park, they found it crowded on such a nice day. It took them a while to find a spot where they would have some semblance of privacy.

They finally settled on a spot under a tree. Emma took a blanket out of the basket and Killian helped her lay it out. They sat down and she proceeded to empty the basket.

Killian nodded his head, impressed. "That's quite a spread you've prepared, Swan."

Emma laughed. "Oh, I didn't prepare it. Granny's Diner did. Chicken salad sandwiches with pasta salad and potato salad. Biscuits too. Oh and for dessert, Mississippi mud pie. And of course some wine."

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