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"This is so amazing baby, I can't believe that we're finally going to have a baby together"

Seungcheoul and Jeonghan sat on the couch in the taller's house, the black haired male having his hands wrapped perfectly around the younger's stomach.

The long haired male just giggled and craned his neck back to kiss his boyfriend of just a year.

"You know it's time we move in together." The black haired male stated while rubbing the small showing stomach of the younger.

"Seungcheoul do you forget I have 5 kids? Not to mention you have just the same amount. Plus with one on the way, and we're not even married... How do we explain that to them?"

Without speaking a word Seungcheoul picked up Jeonghan bridal style and walked across the room, minding the scattered toys of some of his kids, all the way to the balcony where they had a view of the city. Placing Jeonghan to stand Seungcheoul got down on one knee and pulled a small blue box from his pocket leaving wide eyed younger speechless. 

"Jeonghan when I met you I felt like it was a long shot that someone so amazing as you would ever accept my story. How when I got out of the Adoption system myself that I would help as many children as I could. Now being 24 and already having 5 kids is a lot for one person to hear on a first date, but again when I met you. My Angel you were different, You accepted everything I had to offer. I promise you, if you let me, to be the best husband to you and best father to your kids and our child you carry with you now. So, My Angel, will you please do me the honor of becoming my Husband/Wife?"

Inside the box stood a beautiful Shining Diamond ring that just took Jeonghan's breath away.

To say that the pregnant male was in tears was an understatement, the poor boy was balling his eyes out only letting his head nudge a small nod meaning 'yes'

Seungcheoul came up to bury him in a hug, while placing the ring on his finger and cleaned his tears when Jeonghan spoke.

"You know I thought I felt something poking me, I thought you just had a boner."

"Well I have that too but I have to go get the kids soon"

Looking up to his new fiancé the smaller wrapped his arms around the taller's neck bringing his lips to the older's ear.

"We can be quick..."

With one last lustful look at each other they raced back inside with a slam of Seungcheoul's bedroom door.
"Oh I really like this one!" Jeonghan stated as he walked through the front door and was met with and open entrance with a living room on the right and a dining room, kitchen on the left and stairs straight ahead.

It had been a week since the the two boy's proposal and they were looking for a house for their large family. Even though they hadn't told their sons yet.

"Yes this one is really good for your family! It has 7 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms, one in the master and 3 in the hall. The master bedroom is downstairs while the others are upstairs."

Their realtor explained as they walked around the house seeing all the rooms. The room walls seemed plain to Jeonghan but what's that that paint can't fix.

The boys took a moment to themselves discussing what they would need with the new baby and how everything would go but with one last hug they looked to the realtor with smiles

"We'll take it!"
In the car Jeonghan couldn't keep still he was so happy to have just bought a house with his now fiancé but the worry kept coming to him on how his kids would react and take the news. Will they be angry at him for not telling them? Will they start to hate him?

With out realizing it he noticed tears start to fall from his eyes hoping Seungcheoul wouldn't notice he looked out the window in and started to hum.

"Sweetheart what's wrong? Why are you crying?" Seungcheoul asked at a red light.

"How do you always know?" Jeonghan asked looking down wiping at his eye

"Sweetie the window is reflective. Now what's wrong? Are you not happy?"

"No I'm over joyed! It's just that what if our kids hate us for this? I mean we haven't told then anything, we just kept our entire relationship from them. And now we're dropping it that they are moving in to a new place with new brothers in 4 days that's a lot of news isn't it?"

"Sweetie breath breath it will be okay. I'm sure our sons will be perfectly fine with getting new brothers okay? The moving may be a little hard but it all just needs time okay? No need to worry. Let just take it step by step. Please don't stress it's not good for our the baby."

Seungcheoul said reaching a hand over to take Jeonghan's and bring it to his lips.

'Seungcheoul is right ever this will be fine. My children will understand... I hope'
Just to let you guys know this is basically what Jeonghan's ring looks like~

 I hope'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Just to let you guys know this is basically what Jeonghan's ring looks like~

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