The Doctor

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"Wilson," I heard from down the hallway "Wilson, I've got the lottery money. Wilson?" In seconds I recognize the voice as that of my best friend Rose. I'd ask what she was doing down here but she had already made that very clear. One of the security guards must have given it to her, which was kind of odd. We really weren't supposed to be in the basement. As for me, I had been called down here. Wilson, being chief electrician, had let me borrow an extension cord for a plug issue up stairs He had fixed the problem and now I was returning it. Of course, as usual I couldn't find the man anywhere.

"You there? Look I can't stay cause they're closing the shop. Wilson!" Rose calls again. I run down the corridor to find where she's standing. She's still near the lift and has something in her hand, probably the lottery money she's been talking about.

"Hey Rose," I say coming to a sudden stop. I give her a small smile and cross my arms. This girl looks like she's had a long day. Probably exhausted from spending all this time at the shop and from hanging out with her boyfriend, Mickey. "So I heard, looking for Wilson?"

"Yea. I'm supposed to..." Rose says, being interrupted by a loud noise along the way. We both look in the direction and Rose let's out a loud call "Hello? Hello, Wilson, it's Rose and Ana. Hello? Wil- Wilson?"

We run a ways, stopping in front of a fire door. Rose opens it up and quickly flicks a light on, leaving us looking at what looks to be a storage room full of dummies. We walk further. I had never been in this room before but it definitely screamed out the definition of creepy. The lights were dim. The walls were dull. There were mannequins staring at you from all over. The room was sure to be one of the most startling in all of the store.

"Wilson? Wilson?" Rose calls again. No answer. Rose flares her nostrils and moves over to another door, trying to open it. No budge. I bite my lip. Funny how were supposed to be finding this man and he's no where around. This was definitely trying my patience. I just wanted to go home. My dad was waiting for me. He had probably had dinner already.

Suddenly the door we had come from abruptly shuts. I look to Rose who gives me an offset glance. Maybe that was Wilson. I make my way over  and begin to jiggle with the door handle. As with the other it doesn't budge. From behind I hear a slight noise.

"Is that you?" I asked, turning to Rose. She shakes her head. At the same time, we both look around to see if there's anyone else in here. No one, but Rose speaks out anyway "Is there someone mucking about? Who is it?" She looks back to me and I shrug my shoulders. Maybe, someone's just playing a joke on us. That has to be it, right?

Yes, I believe that really had to be it because right after Rose said that, one of the mannequins behind her turned its head. I jumped a little and Rose turned around, backing up just in time for the dummies to start moving out of its alcove. This had to be joke.

"You've got us," I say pretending to laugh "Hilarious." The dummies says nothing and in response keeps moving towards me and Rose, two more joining its sides.

"All right, I think we've got the joke. Who's idea was this?" Rose asked. She was now standing right beside me "Was it Derek's?" With her statement I nod. This would be Derek's idea of a joke, mannequins that moved. This was totally something that he would try to pull off.

Rose, being not so sure, asks "Derek is that you?" I give her one more look before turning back to the dummies who are now all progressing towards us. Together we back up. At this point I'm not so sure that its Derek playing a joke on us. There are way to many of them for that. There has to be at least twenty and not that many of us were here working late at the shop today. It was kind of freaky.

Still backing up Rose falls over a box. I frown and pull her back up. There wasn't time for falling. We needed to get away from these people. We could try but Rose and I made stop, hitting against a wall. There was no backing up now. We needed to find a door and fast. This wasn't funny anymore. One of the dummies was now pulling an arm out at Rose. It was going to hit her and she fully planned on it too, scrunching up her pretty little face. Another was coming for me.

Little Red (A Doctor Who Fanfiction:))Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora