The Last Humans

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The Last Humans

"Right then, Rose Tyler, Ana Trelunder - you tell me, where do you want to go? Backwards or forwards in time. What's it going to be?" the Doctor asks Rose and I as she's stepped into the TARDIS for the first time since her decision.

"Why didn't I get that option before?" I answer with my own question before sitting in the jump seat I had been before, right before we had gone back to get my best friend. I cross my arms over my chest and let out a reluctant sigh.

"Fine then, forward. Is forward fine?" he questions me. I don't get an answer out and neither does Rose. He's already pushing buttons "How far?"

"One hundred years," Rose says, probably picking the first number that comes to mind. She stands by the console watching him as he runs his ship. He pulls a lever on the board and then turns a knob. Within seconds the TARDIS is lurching, supposedly sending us into the distant future. Whether it really was or not, I wasn't sure.

"There you go, step outside those doors, it's the twenty-second century," he tells us.

"You're kidding," Rose says in disbelief.

"That's a bit boring though, do you want to go further?" he asks.

"The further the better," I say. Again, the Doctor starts the TARDIS up again. It starts making the rumbling noise I'm getting use to hearing and when it stops it makes a sound that reminds me of great big dinosaurs. I stand up and he stares back and forth from me and Rose.

"Ten thousand years in the future. Step outside, it's the year 12005, the New Roman Empire," he says with a slightly superior smile.

"You think you're so impressive," Rose teases.

"I AM so impressive!" he smirks.

"You're full of yourself," I laugh.

"Right then, you asked for it. I know exactly where to go," he says, starting up the engine for a third time. This time just a little more vigorously "Hold on!"

The TARDIS starts shaking about and I can tell that we're going further into the future than either Rose or I could have thought. I wonder what's out there. There could be robotic space pirate takeover or spaceships with zoos on them or even an uncondensed wildlife where the most vile and dangerous creatures run free. Imagine those spiders.

"So where are we?" I ask, hoping that his answer will contain more optimism than not. The alien man waves at the TARDIS door and a huge grin spreads over Rose's face. That's when I smile myself, waltzing towards the door.

"What's out there?" Rose asks. The Doctor motions towards the door again and Rose follows me out. As soon as we're outside we realize only how right the Doctor is. Not only are we no longer in 2005 but we're also no longer on Earth. Surrounding us is a room that looks to be made out of wood. We then find a set of stairs and go down.

At the bottom is a window that outlooks to the greatest thing I've ever seen in my twenty years. As I stand there in the future, I'm looking out into space. I'm looking at the planet Earth. I draw in a deep breath and stare in bewilderment. I was looking down at my home planet. Just like with the Auton, this was something that I had never dreamed of ever doing.

"You lot. You spend all your time thinking about dying. Like you're going to get killed by eggs or beef or global warming or asteroids. But you never take time to imagine the impossible. Maybe you survive. This is the year 5.5/apple/26. Five billion years in your future. This is the day... hold on..." he says to us. He looks down on his watch and then continues "This is the day the sun expands. Welcome to the end of the world."

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