{15} Find Your Anchor

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Kyra's POV

We walked outside onto the lacrosse field, as Stiles gave Scott a heart-rate monitor.

Then Scott said, "Isn't this a heart-rate monitor from the track team?"

"No, it's a heart-rate monitor from the hospital." I commented sarcastically

Then Stiles said, "I borrowed it."

"He meant stolen." I said as I laid my head on my bag as my legs were up on the bench.

"Temporarily misappropriated. Anyways, Coach uses it to monitor his heart rate with his phone while he jogs. You're going to wear it for the rest of the day." Stiles said

Then Scott asked, "Isn't that Coach's phone?"

Stiles replied, "That I stole."

"Why?" Scott asked

Then I responded turning facing them, crossing my legs, "Your heart rate goes up when you turn wolf, the rate on Coach's phone is going to let us know if you could control it or not. For example, when you're playing Lacrosse or with Allison, or even when you get angry, it raises your heart rate. So, meaning, you turning into a wolf has to connect to you controlling your heart rate."

"Like the incredible hulk?" Scott asked excited

Then Stiles replied, "Yea, like the incredible hulk."

I commented, "But the incredible hulk is so much better than you, Scott."

Then I got up and strap the heart rate monitor around Scott's waist. Then Stiles taped Scott's wrist.

Scott said, "This is not how I would want to spend my free period."

"This is how I want to spend my free period." I replied before I started to jog towards Stiles's direction.

"Ready!" Stiles yelled out then Scott replied, "No!"

"Remember think about Allison and don't get angry." I said as Stiles turns on the heart rate monitor in Coach's phone

Then Scott said, "I'm starting to think that this is a really bad idea."

"Scott, all of Stiles's ideas are bad." I commented as Stiles handed me another Lacrosse stick

Then Scott asked, "Why does Kyla have a lacrosse stick?"

I responded, "Because, Stiles asked Coach if I could join the team and Coach said that he'll think about it. Also, it's good practice for me. And Two, it helps me let my anger out since I'm still mad at you."

As I got a lacrosse ball into the stick, I threw the ball at Scott using my stick. Then he let out a loud groan, then I yelled, "That's for how I felt, when you didn't answer your phone!"

God, I sound like my mother.

Then Stiles said as he threw one, "Nice throw."

Scott said, "That kinda hurt."

"That's the whole point." I replied as I threw another one.

Then Stiles said, "You're supposed to be thinking about your heart rate and staying calm."

As Scott said to himself about staying calm, I threw one is his stomach area.

Then I told Stiles, "I think I could be the first girl captain, ever in Beacon Hills."

Stiles smiled and said, "That would be pretty badass."

I smiled back then Stiles threw another one. Then I threw one, we were taking turns since we were supposed to be teaming up against Scott.

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