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"Yunseo time to get up" you heard Hoseok say as he lightly shook you. "No I don't want to" you say covering your head. "You can't stay here all day" "yes I can watch me" you tell him. "The guys and I want to take you out and get your mind off of Hyun, so please come out." You uncover your head and sit up "fine". "Since you don't have anything to change into you can help yourself to whatever I have" he told you giving you a kiss on the cheek before walking out. You stare at his closet not wanting to get out of bed, but you didn't want to seem like a child. So you got up and looked through his clothing. You pull out one of his white tanks with a red and black pattern on the front and put it on. Deciding to stay with the gray sweats he gave you last night you put your hair in a messy bun and put your shoes on and walk out of the room. You smelled something good, it smelled like cinnamon and chocolate. You walk into the kitchen and see Jin cooking while Jimin helped and the others sitting at the table messing around. "Hey sleepy head, you sleep well?" Jin asked looking at you and giving you a smile. "Yea I did" you replied sitting next to Hoseok and Jungkook. "You sure cause the bags and puffiness under your eyes say otherwise" Yoongi said. "I was crying my eyes out and barely woke up, forgive me if my morning face is disturbing" you say slightly laughing. Bringing a laugh out of them. "Well I think you look cute" Hoseok said playfully pinching your cheek. Making you smile and pull on his. "You're such a perv Hoseok for giving her a shirt that shows off her bra" Namjoon told hoseok slightly laughing. "It does?" You ask looking down but not seeing what he meant. "The sides dummy" hoseok said giggling. "Oh!...oops. I guess I'm not fully awake yet" you say laughing and rubbing your neck. Jin then comes over and serves breakfast and you notice there isn't a seat for him. Then hoseok pokes your side and you look at him. He pats his lap and you move over onto his lap. "Thank you but you didn't have to Yuni" Jin says to you as he sit in the chair. You smile and get comfortable in Hobies lap and begin eating your breakfast. You look at everyone enjoying their meal and then see the cake on the counter. "Hoseok said you loved chocolate cake so we bought you some last night" Taehyung said. You look at hoseok who just smiles at you. "You're so sweet, thank you" you tell him as you hug him. Jin gets up and brings the cake over and cuts everyone a slice. You take some icing on your finger and put it on Hoseoks nose and giggle hurrying to get away before he got you back. But it was too late he had a hold of you and rubbed chocolate on your cheek. Everyone laughed. "Get a room you two" Jimin said laughing. After you help Jungkook and Namjoon clean up before sitting on the couch with Hoseok. "...Yunseo I'm sorry to ask but what are you going to do about him?" Hoseok asked and you just looked off into space. "I don't want to see him for now" you tell him. "Ok, well you can stay here with me as long as you want" "okay" you say grabbing his hand. You hear your phone ring from Hoseoks room and you get up to see who it was. It was Hyun. You wanted to throw your phone and cry but sucked it up and answered.

"Yunseo?"~Woo Hyun


"Where are you it's almost noon and you still haven't come home. I miss you.~Woo Hyun

Hearing him say that he missed you broke your heart. You felt tears roll down your cheek.
"Sorry Woo I'm at Asumis, I spent the night"~Yunseo

"You're lieing...I called Asumi and she said you never came over. So where are you?"~Woo Hyun

"....don't worry about where I am ok"~Yunseo

"How am I not supposed to worry about where my beautiful girlfriend is?"~Woo Hyun

"Don't call me that...I'll be home in a bit"~Yunseo
You say hanging up and turning around and seeing hoseok leaning against the door. He walks up to you and wipes your tears away "I'm guessing you want to confront him?" "Yea I do" you tell him. Both of you walk out of the house and get in the car. The drive to your apartment was too quiet for comfort. "Hobie could you please wait outside the door while I get my things?..." you say asking him. "If that's what you want...then I'm ok with it." He responded. When you arrive you and him head up to your place. You take a deep breath before walking in and like you asked hoseok waited outside. There's no sign of Hyun so you walk into the room and grab your black and pink Nike duffle bag. You begin grabbing and ripping things out of their drawers and off hangers and shoving them into the bag not caring you broke or ripped anything. Hoseok walk in placing a hand on your shoulder scaring you. "Yuni clam down" he said. Letting a breath out you say ok and tell him to grab your things from the bathroom. Like your straightner and hair curler. Someone closes the bedroom door and you look up and see Hyun. "What are you doing?" He asked. "What does it look like" you say coldly. "I don't know you tell me!?" He shouts at you. "I'm leaving your sorry ass" you once again say coldly. "Why!?" "Because you're a lieing two faced cheating son of a bitch that why!" You yell. "What are you talking about I've never cheated on you" "don't act stupid I saw you yesterday come here with some bitch."  You say anger completely noticeable in your tone. He stays silent before walking over to you and grabbing your hand. "I'm sorry Yunseo please forgive me. I won't do it again." He said looking into your eyes. But you didn't care and pulled your hands away from his. "Don't lie...once you do it once you'll always do it" you grab your bag and walk into the bathroom and finish packing your things and zip up the bag. You look at hoseok who gives you a kiss on your forehead and mouths "I'm proud of you". Grabbing his hand you walk back out into the room. Hyun looks at both of you. "Who's this!?" He shouts irritated. Hoseok walks to the door and waits for you. "Goodbye Woo Hyun" is all you say and head for the door towards hoseok. You feel Hyuns hand grab your arm tightly and turn you around. Hoseok rushes toward you but you react and slap Hyun. "Don't you dare touch me" you tell Hyun who's looking at you surprised holding his cheek. Hoseok grabs your hand and you both walk out of there.

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