our first date.

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I woke up the next morning and looked up to see Bret was still asleep. I quietly snuck out of bed and found my way to bobby who was making breakfast.

Me: morning Bobby

Bobby: well good morning sunshine.

He turned around and looked shocked.

Bobby: please tell me you didn't fuck bret already.

Me: no you asshole you know i wouldn't. He said you were with a girl so i stayed with him and he asked me out in a date today.

Bobby: ooo get it girl.

I laughed and watched him bring me some breakfast.

Bobby: here's some bacon and scrambled eggs.

Me: why thank you sir.

He sat the plate in front of me and we began eating. A few minutes later we heard shuffling feet enter the room i look over to see a tired Bret.

Bret: good morning sugar.

Me: good morning

Bret: morning Bobby

Bobby: morning

He walked uo behind me and stole some if my bacon.

Me: Hey that was mine!

Bret: ooops sorry

Bobby and bret laughed we finished eating breakfast.

Me: where can I take a shower?

Bret: I'll show you.

We walked out of the room and down the Hall and the bathroom was only a couple doors away from brets room.

Me: you know I  totally forgot I  didn't bring extra clothes do you just wanna go to my place with me so I can get ready?

Bret: yeah sure, lemme just grab some clothes and I'll meet you at your car.

I walked to the my car and started it pulling it up to the side door where Bret was standing. He got one look at my car and his jaw dropped.

Bret: th- this is your c- car?

Me: yeah she costed 800 bucks and i fixed her up and gave her a new paint job.

Bret: do you know what kind of car this is?

Me: Bret it's a 69' corvette stingray cherry red with a gloss finish.

Me: Bret it's a 69' corvette stingray cherry red with a gloss finish

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Bret: c- can i drive?

Me: can you drive a stick?

Bret: pshhh of course I'm a man.

I laughed and got out handing him the keys. He hopped in and did a huge burn out before taking off to my place. I showed him where to go. We arrived at my house, he parked my car in the garage and I led him inside to give him a tour.

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