One year: part two

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He slowly made his way out of the pool his caramel colored skin glistened as the sun hit the water on his body. He approached me as I stood their in disbelief, he wrapped me in a hug and I gripped on to him mot wanting to let go. I breathed heavily as I spoke " I can't believe you came" he sighed heavily as he pulled me tighter into his chest "as much as I don't like him, I missed you's he been treating you" I pulled Saul inside and grabbed him a towel "we have our ups and downs slash" I began to walk upstairs and into my room, before I shut my door I hollered down to slash who stood at the bottom of the stairs "im goin' to get ready for the party" I didn't hear a response so i just hopped in the shower and got ready.

-------------------------------------AN HOUR LATER---------------------------------------------

I finally finished my shower, I slowly Opened the shower door and watched as steam came pouring out into the cold air that filled the rest of the bathroom and my bedroom. I grabbed a couple towels from the cabinet and placed one around my body and the other around my hair, I brushed my teeth then walked in my bedroom. I jumped when I came around the corner and Bret was leaning against the wall with roses in his hand. "God you asshole you scared the piss outta me" he chuckled lowly and walked up to me placing his lips against mine for a few seconds than pulling away and quietl murmuring "happy one year babe" he pushed the roses in his hand toward me. I smiled taken them from his hand and setting them down on the bedside table "you here early I thought you weren't gonna be here till later.......did you seeslash when you came in?" His face suddenly changed from happy to angry in an instant his smile turned into a frown and his eyes filled with jealousy as he spat words at me "no I didn't and why was he here anyway were you fuckin him while I was gone?!?" I didn't answer I wasn't going to let him ruin today I just walked to my wardrobe and got dressed as he continued to get more livid by the second "what was he doing here huh?! Are you cheating on me with him?!" I turned around and slipped my hands around his waist trying to reassure him as I spoke calmly "babe nothing is going on I invited him to our party and he came over because I wanted to see him, now I'm going to leave for a bit I'll be back by 8:00 for the party you need some time to chill. I'll see you later." I grabbed my jacket, keys, wallet, and kissed him softly before he could say anything to object. After the kiss was finished I turned and walked out of our room, down the stairs, and into the living room to see Saul on the couch. No words were exchanged just a nod of my head signaling us to leave, they both followed me out the door Bret stood in the doorway of the house while slash and I got in the car. Bret stood there as I left than he dissapered inside. The car was silent for a few minutes till saul cleared his throat and began to speak. "What was that about aye?"  "Bret accused me of fucking you" all I heard was slashs' laughter "if only i could be that lucky" i blushed a bit and nudged his side. "So what do you wanna do sugar?" I sat in silence hink as we continued to drive "I wanna go see axl" he looked at me confused at why I would possibly would want to see him, axl and I used to be close but after I got with Bret, Axl has wanted nothing to do with me. " you sure you wanna go see him?" I looked at him "i wouldn't have said it if I didn't wanna go." He nodded and drove to Axl's. 

------------------------------------------20 minutes later---------------------------------------

We arrived at axls, slash went to axls door first. I stayed in the car and watched the red headed singer come out and hug him. They talked for a minute then after a few seconds I saw slash point to me and smile, Axl green eyes looked into mine as he walked over barefoot and opened my car door pulling me out and hugging me tightly almost squeezing me. He nudged his face into my neck as he whispered in my ear happily "I missed you so much babe" it felt great to see him it had been a while. He lead slash and I inside his house was finely decorated and spotless, Axl was always the clean one of the lot of them "so ax are you coming to my party tonight?" He looked at me with a huge grin on his face "I told you I would already dingbat" "I know I know but I wanted to make sure you didn't chicken out." He let out a little chuckle as a response, we all decided it was time to go to my party since it was nearing 8 already. Slash, Axl, and I road in slash's car back to my place. When we arrived the party looked to have started already, we climbed out of the car and approached my house everyone greeted us as we walked by slash stuck by me the whole way his arm placed around my shoulder, as I pushed my way through the crowd I saw Bret. His eyes met mine through the sea of people, he stood up and approached us I felt slash's arm slither tighter around me as Bret neared us. He finally met us and began to speak "hey baby I missed you" he roughly Pulled me from slash and into him. Slash growled angrily at him "hey be careful!" Bret shrugged him off and I looked at him " don't be rude to him" Bret kissed me whispered in my ear than left slash curiously watched as he wondered if I was gonna tell him. "I'm not telling you what he said bud" he huffed and pulled me into the sea of people, and whispered in my ear as he pulled me through the crowd of dancing people, "let's go play some pool" I nodded and let me lead me to the basement door than down into the basement. I sighed with relief knowing all the people were gone, "I'm glad all those people are gone" he chuckled a bit as he pulled his hair back into a pony tail and handed me a cue. "You start I'm gonna grab something." He continued to set up as I went to the bar and grabbed a bottle of jack and two glasses, I placed the bottle and glasses on the bar top. Grabbing the bottle once Again I poured the whiskey into the two glasses and handed one to slash who now had a ciggerete nailed to his lips, he looked up at me took the cigarette between his fingers and spoke as he exhaled the smoke from his lungs "thanks sugar" he leaned his pool cue against the table and took a drink of his Jack, I copied his actions as we continued our game through out the time.

--------------------------------------------One hour later-----------------------------------------

We finally finished the game, slash and I were hammered/stoned. We agreed to go back up to the party, I slowly pushed the door open as he hung on to my wrist making sure I stayed with him. I was swarmed by people and his hand slowly lost grip as I was pushed further into the crowd I could hear him yelling for me "Bailey where are you?" I jumped trying to get a good glimpse of the crowd but I couldn't see him. I ended up getting pushed out the other side of the crowd to a hallway where my bedroom was, I ventured down the hall maybe Bret was back here I highly doubted that but maybe. I continued down the long corridor till I hit my door, placing my hand on the knob I slowly turned it and the door popped open. Well I was right about Bret being in here but he wasn't alone, he had two other women with him I just looked at him. He finally noticed my presence and I didn't say anything I just continued to my dresser and packed my things. He practically threw the women off him and out the door than tried to speak to me repeatedly but I was speechless. "Baby that wasn't what it looked like....their just friends of mine" I just listened as his ramblings drowned to nothing. I walked to the door and looked back to say one last thing "I'll be back for the rest of my things". I shut the door and continued out the front many people just looked at me and asked where I was off to but no one needed to know I needed to breathe again. I grabbed my keys a left out the front door, got in my car and just drove. No idea where I was going. I just needed to breathe again.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2016 ⏰

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