One year: part one

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Saul has been doing great ever since his little accident, but I had a little more on my mind today. Today was mine and Bret's one year anniversary, I wanted it to be special I wanted to throw a big party for him even though Saul and he didn't like each other very much I knew they'd get along for me. I called all of our friends from poison and guns telling them to be here around 8 but, I still had one call to make. I had to call Saul I saved him for last because I wanted to see him before the party as well. I picked up the landline and slowly dialed his number, with each number I clicked the phone would beep. When I finished dialing the number I placed the phone against my ear and listen to it ring. Once, twice, three and that's when I heard his voice. "Hello?" I smiled to myself knowing that he had just woke up by how rough his voice sounded through the phone, I spoke in a high pitched motherly like tone. He always loved it when I did that  "well good morning Sunshine" I heard him chuckle lowly Into the phone i could just picture him, he was probably laying in bed his hand on his head brushing the curls out of his face and that big grin I always loved. "And good morning to you Bailey Marie, what's goin' on?" I twirled my finger in my hair like a love struck teenager as I replied "I was wonderin' if you would like to attended my annaversary party tonight?" The phone was dead silent I couldn't even hear him breathing into it "Saul? You there?" After a few second i heard him his tone sounding like he was done with this conversation already "well ya see I got some stuff to do tonight sugar" my heart dropped as I could tell he didn't want to come "y-yeah no I get it I just thought i might ask" he sighed loudly as he spoke "maybe I'll check ya later bails" "yeah maybe Saul" before I could do anymore emotional damage to him I hung up, I walked upstairs climbing into the tub to relax for a bit.


I awoke In bed with a towel wrapped around me, I slowly sat up wondering who had brought me in here. After a few seconds I got up throwing on some black leather pants a Pink Floyd cut off and some converse. I headed downstairs and look around, nobody was to be seen. I stood wondering where they would've gone when I I heard the pool make a splash noise as if someone was swimming. I slowly made my way out the sliding glass door and saw him. I looked at him in awh, I'd never been so happy to see him in my life. He slowly turned around smiled as he spoke "aye bails"  I slowly raised my hand as I waved as spoke " hey".

TO BE CONTINUED......................................................

 I wonder who it could be find out in the next chapter. 

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