Who Told You To Be So Attractive?

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                    Third Person
Ever After High, a school made just for Royals and Rebels...didn't even know what was about to hit them. "Hey guys, have you heard of a girl named Y/n L/n?" Raven asked her friends from Wonderland. "*Sigh* Yes, me, Kitty, Maddie, Alistair and Bunny were all very good friends with her. But one day we left, but she couldn't come with us." Lizzie said sadly. "Well hexcellent news, I heard she would be transferring to Ever After High!" Raven said. "*Gasp* really?! Hattastic!!" Maddie shouted happily. There was beeping sound before the t.v. on the wall turned on showing Blondie Locks. "Hello everyone, welcome to the Mirror Cast! Blondie Locks here. This just in, a new student is coming to Ever After High! Now I'm not exactly sure but I heard it's Y/n L/n, daughter of the Jabberwocky. Well that's all for today! Hex you guys later!" and just like that the screen went black and everyone started talking about this new pupil. Suddenly, there was a loud holler from what sounded like a dragon. Maddy, Lizzy and Kitty all gasped an looked at each other and gasped. "Y/n!!" They all said excitedly. Alistair and Bunny must have heard sense they ran into the same hall everyone else was. "Y/n?!" They asked an yelled in unison. Everyone including Raven, Apple and Sparrow ran outside to see what was going on and Kitty just teleported. The all saw the shimmering, grey dragon flying over the school. "Incoming!" Lizzy and Maddie yelled, as they were already used to this. The bags that Y/n held were now falling from the sky as Lizzie and Maddie tried to catch them while laughing, which was actually quite hard. After trying there very best to catch the luggage the almost silver dragon descended from the sky to the ground as it began to glow only to see a beautiful young girl with H/c and silver highlights, teal eye shadow and lipstick, a silver nose piercing, dragon earing and dragon claw ring, a black top and pumps with small silver spikes, a teal skirt, a strange black choker with a red dragon eye attached to it and guitar case on her back. Everyone was in 'aw' especially Sparrow. He had never seen a girl as gorgeous as her. "What? You're not gonna give your old pal a hug?" She said opening her arms for wanted hugs. Everyone ran towards her in a big group hug. "I missed you guys so much! So, did I surprise you?" Y/n asked. Then, a grin appeared along with the full body of kitty. "Actually, Raven and Blondie said that you might be coming. Meow! How did you get here anyway?" Kitty asked. "What? Did Milton tell them? How do they know!?! Okay, I'm just gonna calm down. And to answer your question kitty, I simply sneaked my way out of Wonderland." Y/n said proudly. "Did you get caught?" Bunny asked. "Sadly..yes" Y/n said shamefully looking at the cement while everyone laughed. "Hey I got a question of my own,  who told you to so attractive!!" A redhead boy sang and awkwardly played his electric guitar as everyone made sounds of annoyance. But, Y/n just laughed and blushed, she did have a thing for redhead guys.(IF YOU DON'T I DON'T CARE I DO DON'T JUDGE ME)"Haha, Well who told you to be so funny?" Y/n replied smirking. Sparrow was surprised sense no girls actually liked him. "Y/n this is Sparrow. Sparrow this is Y/n." Raven said in a monotone voice. "Hey back off our Y/n!!" Kitty said angrily. "Yeah Sparrow, I think we should at least have a nice cup of tea with Y/n, before you start flooty flirting with her!" Maddie agreed. "Guys, calm down! If he steps out of line-" I paused my sentence to crack my knuckles. "I'll put him back in." I finished smiling evily. He gulped and tried to hide his fear. "Oh It's been such a long time Y/n, what should we do first?" Lizzie said being nicer then usual. "Tea party!" Maddie yelled. "How about we pull some pranks?" Kitty suggested. "I got it, let's have a sleepover!!" Y/n said. "Great!" "Yeah" "Great!!" Everyone responded. "Yes!!" Sparrow yelled. "Sparrow...no, just no." Y/n said with a blank expression. "Can't blame a handsome guy for trying!!! Yeah!!"

(I'm sorry that I haven't been updating a lot. It's just that It's back to school time and I literally been shopping for three days straight so....yeah. Well I hope you guys enjoyed that. See all you guys in the next chapter!! BYE!!!!)

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