The Day Ever After

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(I/o/c) = Instrument of choice

During the so called "party" I kinda blacked out and didn't remember anything. My eyes slowly opened up to two blue orbs staring back at me. I yelped and jumped back a little, only to have my head hit the wall. "Ow!" I whisper/yelled. "Good morning dear, time for you to wake up and get ready for a beautiful day!~" Of course It was Apple, who else would It be? I groaned an plopped my head back on the pure white pillow and pulled the covers up to my chin. "five more hours mom..." I mumbled. She only giggled and walked over to the window. "Come on dear, life Is so amazing and precious! We have to cherish It all!" She said happily. I opened my eyes to look at her. She had the curtains In her hands...oh no. "Apple, don't." "Don't what?" "Don't open the curta-" My sentence was cut off by her opening the curtains and the bright sunlight blinding me. "Hisss! Apple It burns aaah!" I yelled, covering my face with a small wing.

Time Skip Brought To You By My Laziness

I eventually got up, emphasis on eventually. I changed into my regular outfit. I didn't really like skirts a whole lot, but everyone in Wonderland said I looked great in them so I though 'Hey, why not?'. I was walking with Kitty which wasn't easy with her disappearing and reappearing. "So, what are your classes?~"  She asked. "Hmmm? Okay I have Cooking class-ic, Beast training and care, Arts and crafts and Muse-ic class. I think i'm gonna like It here." I responded. Suddenly a bell rang through out the halls. "Meow!~ Time for class, Catch ya later hehehe" She giggled and disappeared leaving only her smile which turned into glitter. I chuckled and walked to class, my small tail swinging behind me.

Cooking was fun and all. We all baked strawberry royal tarts, they were so good! But the downfall was...every time I even got close to someone, they would flinch. They thought I was going to hurt them just because I was the daughter of a so called "villain". I certainly wasn't happy about that.

Beast training and care? Ahhhhhhh!!!!!! It was AWESOME!!!! I mean sure, learning how to take care of a beast Is cool and all but you don't think you're gonna actually get a beast! I was given a very large cat. It wasn't a lion or tiger, just a It had the markings of a tabby cat with a snow white underbelly(A/n Pun intended),pale green eyes and a cute, pink, little nose. I decided I'd name her Midnight.

Arts and Crafts was so magical. I made origami birds and cranes. Raven sprinkled glowing, purple, dust on them, and they started flying around the classroom. Most of them landed in my hair and on my shoulders.

The last class, Muse-is class. It was certainly...interesting. We all got our own instruments. Luckily, I got (I/o/c). As I was playing, my eyes immediately landed on that red-haired boy I saw yesterday. I whistled to get his attention. He looked at me and winked. I only smiled and winked back. He slowly walked over to me, making sure old Piper wouldn't see him. "Meet me In the forest after school." He whispered to me. "Mr. Hood!" We both gave the 'Sparrow Hood starring as screwed' look. Piper grabbed the back of his shirt collar and dragged him out of class. I chuckled and mouthed 'I will'.

(So two things one Is that the so called beast is based off my cat Midnight. Two there Is a creepy bug flying around my room now and I feel uncomfortable)

You Haven't Changed A Bit / Sparrow Hood X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now