A Pie

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Elrond was frustrated. Glorfindel had just bitten Erestor hard enough to draw blood.
"Get more Athleas water!" "We need ropes-" "He's seizing again!"
'Who knew such a small scratch could cause such damage?' Erestor thought as he looked at the little one. Glorfindel was not responding well to anyone. Elrond sighed.
"ENOUGH!" He yelled getting everyone's attention. "Give him a sedative!" Elrond ordered as he washed Erestor's wound before it could become infected. Another healer ran to obey his order. The sedative was prepared in the form of poppy tea. The elfling did drink the tea with minimal resistance. The struggling slowly reduced until Glorfindel was completely unconscious. Elrond finished cleaning Erestor's bite wound and bandaged it before moving on to Glorfindel's leg with the assistance of junior and master healers. The wound was worse then Elrond thought it was. It was definitely poisoned. He started to clean the wound out, draining it of poison and infection.

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