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Thor's P.O.V

I was sparring with Sif again and humiliatingly she was beating me! "Ha I won... again" Sif said proud as yet again she shoved me to the ground "yes Sif indeed you won now can we take a break?" I said flexing my wrist's "oh the Prince of Asgard needs rest?" she mocked but walked away to my friends Fandral, Hogan and Voltstag. I sighed picking myself off the ground and thinking to myself where is Loki? I looked around remembering him walking with me to here then what did he say again? Oh yes I remember he was going to the palace gardens to read. Gods my brother could beat a man in a fight with words if you ask me! I nodded to my friends as I walked past them and chuckled as Fandral was trying to get his apple back from Voltstag. I went through the palace nodding to the maids and servants that bowed in my presence 'I can't wait to be king' I thought smiling to myself. I stepped out of the palace and into the gardens and took a moment to admire the place. every colour and type of flower was in here making the full place shine with bright beautiful light. I followed the wavy path to meet a tall apple tree. It wasn't as big as Yssdrasil of course but it was taller than any in the garden. I looked around for awhile seeing no brother. 'where is he?' I thought aloud and I yelled as an apple hit me on the head. "owww who threw that?" I questioned into mid-air. silence. I repeat "who dare throw an apple at Thor!" "I do" said a familiar voice and I look up to see a small boy on a branch reading a book. "loki, I came to see you" I said smiling as he nimbly climbed down "what do you want I'm reading" he said looking impatient and tapping his foot on the ground. "well I was wondering if you want to come with me to watch me spar?" i asked "no Thor" Loki said and looked down at his book "please brother I will do anything you want" I said knowing he would come if I said that "ohh alright are we going to the training grounds?" he asked politely "yes why are you asking brother" I said questionably he knew I always went there. "well you know I've been practising magic with mother" he said looking back up "yes" I said slowly not knowing we're this was going "well you know I don't ask much of you" he said matching my pace of word "what do you want brother?" I asked I'm sure I saw him slyly grin but it was just a flicker "hold my arm" he said holding his arm out. "Ok?" i said slowly grabbing his arm "right hold on" he said but before I could say anything else the world shook around us and I was pulled closer to Loki. Head spinning I closed my eyes waiting for something to hit me but when it stopped and I heard Loki's giggle and a few others. I open one eye and gasp. I had traveled to the training grounds and now in front of me stood Fandral Smiling, Hogun smirking, Voltstag laughing but eating another apple as per usual, Sif smiling with her arms crossed and my brother giggling as I realised I must've look pretty weak getting care like that. "aww baby Thor got a fright" Sif said in a baby tone, that I scowled at and let go off loki's arm also straightening my back "well you would if your brother came and just teleported you" I answered "right Thor" Fandral said snatching up his sword "up for a game?" he asked looking at everyone "ok" four of us said "loki what about you?" Sif asked turning to face him "well Thor did say to watch so I will stand and judge if that's ok" he said running off to the side "he needs to train, all he does is practise magic that girls use!" Fandral joked making everyone laugh bar me, how dare he make fun of my brother! "Fandral don't speak about my brother like that! yes he doesn't train with us but that doesn't mean he trains at all does it? no I don't think so also if Sif can be allowed to train as a warrior which is usually a man Loki can easily be a sorcerer" I said narrowing my eyes at him "ok ok sorry Thor" Fandral said and took a step back. I nodded before getting Into position. "last man or woman standing! 3....2......1..... Begin!" I heard Loki shout before clashing swords with my best friends.

It was just me and Fandral left as Voltstag fallen first and when he did, brought down Sif and Hogun too. "just me and you" Fandral smiled before side stepping to clash swords, seeing his move I blocked the pushed him back. Loki was still watching behind as I battled Fandral I noticed him focusing on me very carefully then I heard his voice in my head "Thor his weak spot is his left leg below his thigh, if you can reach that with a quick kick he will fall" I smile knowing that he will be probably right and attack Fandral, stopping his sword hitting me then elbowed him in the stomach making him hunch over and swiftly kicking him behind the left leg. he doubled over and collapsed to the ground I jumped up in victory and ran to the others "I won HAZARR!" I yelled and running to my friends "well done Thor" Voltstag said patting me on the back "yeah next thing you know you will be fighting on the battlefield" Sif said cleaning her sword. I watched Fandral limp over "Gods never knew you could determine a weak spot so quick owww" he said rubbing his thigh "well I'm just the best fighter ever" i said before patting him on the back "so what shall we do now?" Sif asked putting her sword down "we could go have dinner it's almost time" Voltstag said pointing to the palace "ok go own without me I'll be there in a minute" I said back away from the group. I heard them walk back talking about different things and pushed that to the back off my mind and walked to Loki who was reading again. "well done Thor you won again" Loki said not looking up from his book "and you had nothing to do with it" I said smirking, he looked up smirking back "why would you say that?" he answered back. I hugged him. "thank you brother I always love your help" I tell him "what cause you can't fight?" he joked ending the hug "I can beat you in anything!" I said proudly "ok then" he said grinning, he was planning something "what are yo..." "RASE YOU!" loki interrupted and pushed me aside and sprinted to the palace "oh your on brother" I said before following him into the halls of Asgard.

A.N hi hope you guys or whoever reads this like it!

I'm free to any helpful criticism or advice and also vote please!

Thanks Mia :)

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