Adventure time! part 3

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Thor P.O.V

I slowly opened my eyes and cried out in pain of the newly formed bruise on my forehead. after a while i had slowly stood upon a freezing room, the floor was freezing making me shiver down his spine. i had very little light but it was enough to see around the place, the ceiling was the same as the floor but the walls i could see looked weird. they had ice walls covered by sharp icicle's that where everywhere now that looked more closely but before i could even think anymore a thought crossed my mind that i sweared to Odin i would protect.


where was he? i panicked and saw that one side of the walls had a metallic door sealed shut i ran over a started to slam it with my fist not before realizing the giants had taken my sword away. i did this for a very short while before hearing a crack at the side of the door, knowing that i would eventually escape i hit faster making it bend with the force until it finally, fell to the ground. I smiled at my achievement until i was brought back to reality by a well known yell I've heard to many times.

"GET AWAY FROM ME" my younger brother screamed boosting me with energy as i ran down the one hall that i saw. it led to 2 doors, one that looked like a way out and to the one Loki was, without a second thought i rushed to Loki's door with such rage in my body it fell with my wrath.

"LOKI" i yelled as i took in my surroundings i saw 4 of those horrible creatures advance on me realizing i had escape but i saw something else before i acted.i saw Loki, eyes red of torture tears and scars of swipes from a sword one of the cruel beasts used those heart-less souls. "brother! GO!" i heard Loki yell before another giant appeared behind me.

"well well well why doesn't this surprise me? the thunderer is as strong as i think, but is he as mentally strong as his brother has proven" the giant must have the most important one as all of the giants except the one - who was now holding Loki- bowed in respect and laughed at his comments. i stepped away from him before he could attack and asked "did you torture MY brother?" i let my anger lip into my voice a bit making the clouds shake above us.

"oh yes loads! but he's a quiet sorcerer, didn't say anything when we asked or beat him up. i like that in a Odinson, A royal Berk that's a spoiled brat" That set me off, i yelled a war cry and lunged at him but he was armed and stabbed me in the arm making me yell in pain and fell to the floor. i heard him tutt.

"THOR! THOR? is he AHHHHHHHHHHH" i heard far away a Loki cry before i felt a large arm pick me up and carry me back the way i came. i saw the step through my 'room' before dumping me down where i first lay. i saw them dragging a now unconscious Loki and simply throw him down at the other side. i shakily crawled over knowing that i would pass out from that hit anytime soon.

i lay next to a almost peacful sleeping Loki and quickly ripped my cloak off they had kept on me and i wrap it round Loki knowing that at least he would warm as his wounds slowly healed. i shivered and crawled up next to him, watching the darkness to close and listening to the almosst silent whisper of my Brothers breath.

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