The Tavern

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Thor and Loki are 20 in earth terms

3rd P.O.V

The sky was setting against the golden city as night drew closer with every beat. The two brothers however had different ideas in mind instead of sleeping.

"So where did Voltstag say it was again?" one replied. He was pale with raven hair, green sharp eyes and tall, almost like a frost giant, he wore his black trousers, black shirt with highlighted areas filled with green and a rich brown coloured leather jacket. He went by the name Loki the trickster, liar, silvertoung and many other titles. "Voltstag said it was down this road, left and then said you'll see it realms away" the other replied. He was much, much more built compared to the leaner one. Blonde hair made his almost glowing blue eyes stand out getting all the ladies. he wore leather pants, red shirt and a blue cloak flowing behind him that made no one think of him a royal. His name was Thor the thunderer. The two brothers strolled down an empty street hoping the would find their destination. after around 10 minutes the turned left to face any beverage drinkers dream.

A Tavern

the torches that lit up the place made it look enormous, filling up half their view. It had a balcony at the top they noticed that hung over the entrance which had decking with two benches filled with either drunk or passed out beasts. This Tavern was for all creatures -i should've told you that- except frost giants and midgardians as the frost giants couldn't be trusted and midgardians just couldn't get up to Asgard if they tried. As the two brothers entered the smell of exotic grapes and other fruits drowned them. it was quite busy and music was being played in the background quietly but just enough to hear. "well what shall you have brother?" Thor asked smiling at a lady that had passed them by, who wore a very revealing cleavage. "brother she's way out your league" Loki said sighing at his brothers flirty attitude. "I can assure you she's out of YOUR league brother!" Thor answered turning back round to face his brother. "is this a challenge?" Loki said raising an eyebrow and smirking slightly. The Brothers went to a table an sat by themselves. "right I bet I can get a lady before sunrise" Thor said looking around for any lady's he might get. Loki noticed this a laughed "ohh your on brother" and with that got up as Thor immediately went to his right to get a tankard of mead. Loki however watched him before sitting back down and smiled. "right where did I put it?" he asked himself before he took out his book and started to read from his previous page,

"I'll give him ten minutes before a man, beast or dwarf lands on thy's table" he said smirking, flicking to the next page of his book.

After Thor got his drink he felt himself being watched by the woman he saw before the game begun. The woman was beautiful, blonde hair and wore a dress filled with different hues of green. The dress reminded him of Loki. The lady wore blood red lipstick, and a nice dark green eye shadow that made her blue eyes almost glow, her hair was down wrapping round her shoulders and a small green crown was on her hair. This one was his. he strides over without a care in the nine realms and watched as the woman judged him. "you want a drink?" he asked and she smiled politely before shaking her head "I'm fine" she made Thor drool, "oh well I maiden like yourself should have a beautiful name?" Thor flirted leaning against the wall they both had there backs too. "We'll what's yours?" she said biting her lip stifling a giggle 'I've got her in the palm of my hand' Thor thought and smiled sweetly "my name is Thor the thunderer" he said earning a blush from the woman that made him go numb, she was deadly beautiful. "oh my your the son of Odin!" she exclaimed and Thor put his fingers to his lips shushing her."shhh I come here as a commoner nothing more" he explained and he nodded pretending to seal her lips. "your little secret safe with me" she whispered in his ear making Thor shiver in delight. The woman stroked his face gently and smiled at his lips "could you get me a drink please?" she asked and at once Thor answered "yes yes of course i'll be right back" a he walked over to the barman. After he got the glass of ale he knew she would love, he found her facing the outside window enjoying the view, he searched for Loki but couldn't find him and shrugged it off 'probably reading a book' he thought and walked over to the woman of his dreams. he leaned against the side of the wall again not looking at her and examined the room for a bit. Thor then without looking held the glass of ale to his right, to give to the woman. He felt it come in contact to his right and froze, thinking he had hit the woman but oh gods was he wrong. He turned his head slowly to his right to find the face of a plump, red-faced, spotty and angry dwarf covered in fresh ale and spitting it out onto the floor. "what you think your doing you clot pot!" he said wiping his face. "I thought you were a woman" Thor said and bit his lip regretting it. The dwarfs face grew a new colour of red and clenched his fists. "you think I was WOMAN!" he shouted and shoved Thor Ito the middle of the room. the next thing that happened all to fast for the drunken god. The music sped up as all of the rest of the taverns guests clapped for a fight, at once the dwarf swung drunkenly. Thor dodged but stumbled being drunk himself, it went like this for about five minutes before the dwarf got his target he slammed himself against the dwarf and pushed him into the crowd and onto a table.

"Ahh so glad you could join us brother" Loki said as Thor looked at him in rage. Loki was sitting with his stupid smirk on his smug face. Loki's hand however was on another's which connected to an arm, shoulder and body of the girl he had try to get. They both sat smirking at him for a while before Loki looked at the dwarf. "oh dear Brother what happened?" he asked "try to give a dwarf a drink?" the lady said tracing circles in Loki's hands. "but your.... your... impossible!" Thor said confused how in the nine realms could Loki get a girl and he not? The dwarf was carried outside by the taverns annoyed staff as Thor was still dazed. "well then brother did I win?" Loki asked innocently but with a huge grin on his face. "yes you win but you must at least tell me your name? Does my brother know if you like him better than ye" Thor mumbled sitting down next to them. Loki and the woman's eyes met and the grinned wilder. Loki turned to Thor "Brother this is my friend that I've had for years, you barley cared of my other friends so you don't officially know her". Loki got a quick peck on the cheek from the woman and he smiled at it.

"This is the enchantress"

A.N I missed doing this so much! hopefully it's good! haha

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