《t w e n t y - f o u r》

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''I knew it! Oh I should have bet on it! Oh you're in love!'' Jos tossed her star pillow not bothering to catch it. It's been 3 days since the concert and my head has been running around in circles with the whole Ricky scenario.

''Jocelyn I'm not in love! I told you I just like him.''

''Ahh Audrey! I'm going to cry, I'm literally going to cry,'' waving her frantic hand in front of her eyes she bites her lips trying not to smile. ''How? When did you finally admit it to yourself?''

I thought back to the moment when we hugged, I guess that's where it all kinda started. But him being that close to me and feeling his body heat so close to mines is where I knew. ''He pinned me against the wall and Jos he was just so close to me.'' A burst of joy ran down my fingertips an ear to ear smile plastered in my face.

''Aww that's so cute! You should thank me I'm the one that entered the video that led you to meet your future husband.''

''I still think he's a jerk.'' I shrugged.

''Well he's a cute jerk. Oh Audrey now we can have a double wedding! Where do you want to have it because I wanted to get married in Times Square! We need to start plan-'' Bursting her bubble I wave my hands in front my laptops camera.

''Woah woah we're not having a double wedding . Me and Ricky are not getting married!''

''Is it because I want to choose the place? Okay where do you want to get married?''

''Jos no one is getting married!''

She clenched her hands together turning way from the camera. "Yeah okay, but I'm still going to plan my wedding.''

''Yeah you go do that, but don't include me. Oh and I almost forgot Jon called me yesterday and said their giving the both us front row seats.'' Ricky's classic eye roll came to mind. Jocelyn's hands covered her mouth and I'm not joking when I say tears were streaming down her pink cheeks.

"Did you get backstage passes too?'' Her voice was low muffled from her hands.

''Well they never mentioned it, but their probably let us.'' And no sooner as the last word came out my mouth she lost it. Seeing her scream her lungs out makes me feel like I never left her side. In 3 weeks I'm going to see my best friend again. In three weeks I'm going back to Idaho wish time could by faster.


"Wait so let me get this straight,'' Vanessa just appeared at my door step a few minutes, her locks of hair had been pulled up to a messy bun with stray hairs laying on the couch as she took a bite from an apple. ''Their paying for a plane ticket and giving you and your friend free tickets to a sold out concert? That's fucking amazing! Hey is Emery talking to anyone because honestly he's the only hot one in the band.''

Ricky is pretty hot too , I think. His gorgeous forest eyes come to mind, '"Vanessa!''

"What's its true! But it doesn't matter I'm already talking to someone else.'' She said.

''Oh who's the unlucky guy.'' She smirked and told me to come closer.

 "Jacob." Pulling back I look at her. Is she kidding?

"You did not just say Jacob, did you?''

''I did actually.'' Her arms crossed getting up from the couch seating down properly.

''Vanessa he has a girlfriend?!''

''So, it's exciting hiding around from Lu.'' Oh gosh she's serious.

''So it's messed up? How long has this been happening?'' Tossing a pillow to the floor I get comfortable in the corner pulling my legs up waiting for her to speak.

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