《s i x t y - t h r e e》

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Audrey's POV

Ricky has been locked inside the room with all the guys for what seems like all morning. He was telling me last night before we went to sleep, that he was going to be telling the guys everything. From the scars to him having a brand new twin. There are two rooms in the cabin and two beds in each so we decided it'd be for the best if girls sleep in one room and boys in another. Liam wasn't too happy about it. 

''What's taking them so long?'' Nyla asks as we all gathered in the kitchen looking at what we all brought for food. 

''Not sure, but the bigger problem here is that there's nothing to eat.'' I said.

''You guys brought bread but nothing to put in it, makes no sense. Did you people not organize?'' Hadley said as she pulled out white bread. She was right we brought stuff, but they were items that wouldn't necessarly make a meal. 

''In our defense, we didn't know what was happening. Oh, maybe we can make an Oreo sandwich!'' Jos pulls out the Oreos we brought and started her sandwich.

''I think I'll pass on that one. There's a convenience store  when we first entered maybe we could go and buy some actual food.'' Hadley's steps away from Jos and point behind her.

There a was creak coming from behind us followed by a trail of footsteps growing louder towards us. The guys slowly made their way to the kitchen and they all look calm, did Ricky tell them or did he chose agaisnt it last minute. Ricky was the last one to walk out and as soon as he sees, he me gives a thumbs up. He can finally breathe better.

''Why isn't breakfast ready?'' Liam asks hugging Nyla from behind. 

''There's no proper food.'' She answers him back. 

Jos raises the Oreo sandwich, ''We have these, its actually kind of good. Jon, you want to try it I made another one.'' She waves around an extra sandwich in front of Jon's face. He takes it and analyzes it, but doesn't eat it. 

''There's a store at the entrance some of us could go and buy some actual ingredients.'' Hadley said and we made a list before they left. The only ones left in the house were Liam and Nyla, Ricky and I.

I pulled Ricky to the side, far enough so the love birds won't be able to hear. ''So how did they react? And what exactly did you tell them?'' 

''Well I told them about these,'' He points at his stomach. ''Also how I have a twin brother and that now I'm on the search for my real father. I think you freaked out a little more than they did, but they were pretty supportive, including Liam who you said wouldn't understand.''

''Liam is a little bit insensitive, but doesn't it feel better to talk to people.'' He's been keeping stuff in for years causing him to get irritated easily. 

''I guess you were right, Ms. Therapist.'' 

''Talking about a therapist, you should see one,'' I recommend and he gives me a glare. ''What?''

''Therapy is useless. All you do is talk about your problems to a random stranger that gets paid to hear about your issues, and just say 'and how does that make you feel'. A brick can do the same job.'' He blurted out all in one breath. 

''Wow I didn't know you were so against therapy.'' 

''It stands in the same hate level as gum.'' 

''It's that bad?'' He nodded his head, ''I mean I won't force you, it was just a thought.'' I say patting his shoulder. 

''Hey how far is the entrance?'' Liam yells from across the room. 

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