Chapter 5

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"AW, NO FAIR!" Ben shouted as he threw the game controller on the floor. We had been playing video games against each other for hours and not once had he beat me. "I WANT A REMATCH!' he shouted again.

"You're on!" I said and we started another round. Just then, Chelsea walked in the room wearing dark skinny jeans, a gray beanie that let her chesnut brown hair hang down just past her shoulders, and a red Bring Me the Horizon shirt. Ben paused the game and ran up to her.

"Hey sleeping beauty, you're finally awake!" he said. Chelsea stretched and said

"Sorry I like to sleep in," and we all laughed, making me feel like for once I fit in somewhere. When everyone else woke up, we went into the absoulutley HUGE dining room, which was complete with a long wooden table with about 20 to 30 chairs, a bar, and a shit ton of food laid out across the table.

"Woah..." I whispered before I glanced down at my flabby body.

"Your thighs are touching," said a voice in the back of my head.

"I know," I thought.

"Your stomach isn't flat," the voice said.

"I know," I repeated in my head, continuing to stare at all the food that looked and smelled so good.

"You shouldn't eat,"

"Ok," and I sat down, watching everyone else grab pancakes and bacon and french toast and eggs while I just sat there with a glass of water.

"Why aren't you eating?" Jeff asked, as he gently placed a pancke on my plate.

"I'm just not hungry," I said quietly.

"Eat," he said looking worried.

"I don't want to,"

"I don't care,"

"I'm not hungry!"

"YOU'RE NOT FAT SO JUST EAT!" and now everyone was staring. I stood up and ran from the room and locked myself in the bedroom they gave me. I started to cry until I couldn't stop. Then there was a soft knock on my door.

"Who's there?" I asked, trying not to let my voice show I was upset.

"Wanna play?" said a little girls voice.

"C'mon in, Sally." I said, and she stepped in wearing a blood stained pink night gown, her brown curly hair flowing down to her hips.

"Wanna play?" she repeated.

"Not right now, but maybe later. Okay?" She nodded.

"Want me to get Jeff?"

"No," and she stepped out just before Jeff stepped in and said

"Too late," and he plopped down next to me on my bed.

"What do you want?" I mumbled, burying my face in the pillow. But the response I got wwasn't the one I was expecting when I felt him pick up my wrist.

"Why?" he asked quietly. I sat up and looked at him as my eyes filled up with tears again. "Give me the blades. I started to cry but I handed them over to him. When they were in his pale white hands he gripped one tight, then started to slash and slash at his arm.

"STOP!" I shouted as I hugged him tight, burying my face into his shoulder. He dropped them and hugged me back. "W-why?" I asked through tears.

"Because when you hurt yourself, that's what you're doing to me."  Then he pulled out of our hug, and placed his soft, dark red lips against mine.

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